False False False 0 0 0 True 1 String String
Document status change notification and content group
DTM DateTime False YYYY MM DD HH mm SS .SSSS +/-ZZZZ DT Date False YYYY MM DD TM Time False HH mm SS .SSSS +/-ZZZZ Coded Values For Hl7 Tables Value -1 False False String String Data Value -1 False False String Hierarchic Designator Namespace ID 20 False False Composite IS Universal ID 999 False False Composite ST Universal ID Type 6 False False Composite ID Coded Value For User-defined Tables Value -1 False False String Extended Composite ID Number and Name for Persons ID Number 15 False False Composite ST Family Name 194 False False Composite FN Given Name 30 False False Composite ST Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof 30 False False Composite ST Suffix (e.g., JR or III) 20 False False Composite ST Prefix (e.g., DR) 20 False False Composite ST Degree (e.g., MD) 5 False False Composite IS Source Table 4 False False Composite IS Assigning Authority 227 False False Composite HD Name Type Code 1 False False Composite ID Identifier Check Digit 4 False False Composite ST Check Digit Scheme 3 False False Composite ID Identifier Type Code 5 False False Composite ID Assigning Facility 227 False False Composite HD Name Representation Code 1 False False Composite ID Name Context 705 False False Composite CWE Name Validity Range 49 False False Composite DR Name Assembly Order 1 False False Composite ID Effective Date 24 False False Composite DTM Expiration Date 24 False False Composite DTM Professional Suffix 199 False False Composite ST Assigning Jurisdiction 705 False False Composite CWE Assigning Agency or Department 705 False False Composite CWE Coded with Exceptions Identifier 20 False False Composite ST Text 199 False False Composite ST Name of Coding System 20 False False Composite ID Alternate Identifier 20 False False Composite ST Alternate Text 199 False False Composite ST Name of Alternate Coding System 20 False False Composite ID Coding System Version ID 10 False False Composite ST Alternate Coding System Version ID 10 False False Composite ST Original Text 199 False False Composite ST Date/Time Range Range Start Date/Time 24 False False Composite DTM Range End Date/Time 24 False False Composite DTM Family Name Surname 50 True False Composite ST Own Surname Prefix 20 False False Composite ST Own Surname 50 False False Composite ST Surname Prefix from Partner/Spouse 20 False False Composite ST Surname from Partner/Spouse 50 False False Composite ST Date/Time Value -1 False False DateTime DateTime Message Type Message Code 3 True False Composite ID Trigger Event 3 True False Composite ID Message Structure 7 False False Composite ID Extended Composite Name and Identification Number for Organizations Organization Name 50 False False Composite ST Organization Name Type Code 20 False False Composite IS ID Number 4 False False Composite NM Identifier Check Digit 4 False False Composite NM Check Digit Scheme 3 False False Composite ID Assigning Authority 227 False False Composite HD Identifier Type Code 5 False False Composite ID Assigning Facility 227 False False Composite HD Name Representation Code 1 False False Composite ID Organization Identifier 20 False False Composite ST Numeric Value -1 False False Double Entity Identifier Entity Identifier 199 False False Composite ST Namespace ID 20 False False Composite IS Universal ID 199 False False Composite ST Universal ID Type 6 False False Composite ID Processing Type Processing ID 1 False False Composite ID Processing Mode 1 False False Composite ID Version Identifier Version ID 5 False False Composite ID Internationalization Code 483 False False Composite CWE International Version ID 483 False False Composite CWE Extended Address Street Address 184 False False Composite SAD Other Designation 120 False False Composite ST City 50 False False Composite ST State or Province 50 False False Composite ST Zip or Postal Code 12 False False Composite ST Country 3 False False Composite ID Address Type 3 False False Composite ID Other Geographic Designation 50 False False Composite ST County/Parish Code 20 False False Composite IS Census Tract 20 False False Composite IS Address Representation Code 1 False False Composite ID Address Validity Range 49 False False Composite DR Effective Date 24 False False Composite DTM Expiration Date 24 False False Composite DTM Expiration Reason 705 False False Composite CWE Temporary Indicator 1 False False Composite ID Bad Address Indicator 1 False False Composite ID Address Usage 44 False False Composite ID Addressee 199 False False Composite ST Comment 199 False False Composite ST Preference Order 2 False False Composite NM Protection Code 705 False False Composite CWE Address Identifier 427 False False Composite EI Street Address Street or Mailing Address 120 False False Composite ST Street Name 50 False False Composite ST Dwelling Number 12 False False Composite ST Channel Definition Channel Identifier 22 False False Composite WVI Waveform Source 17 False False Composite WVS Channel Sensitivity and Units 478 False False Composite CSU Channel Calibration Parameters 20 False False Composite CCP Channel Sampling Frequency 6 False False Composite NM Minimum and Maximum Data Values 33 False False Composite NR Channel Calibration Parameters Channel Calibration Sensitivity Correction Factor 6 False False Composite NM Channel Calibration Baseline 6 False False Composite NM Channel Calibration Time Skew 6 False False Composite NM Channel Identifier Channel Number 4 True False Composite NM Channel Name 17 False False Composite ST Channel Sensitivity and Units Channel Sensitivity 60 True False Composite NM Unit of Measure Identifier 20 False False Composite ST Unit of Measure Description 199 False False Composite ST Unit of Measure Coding System 20 False False Composite ID Alternate Unit of Measure Identifier 20 False False Composite ST Alternate Unit of Measure Description 199 False False Composite ST Alternate Unit of Measure Coding System 20 False False Composite ID Numeric Range Low Value 16 False False Composite NM High Value 16 False False Composite NM Waveform Source Source One Name 8 True False Composite ST Source Two Name 8 False False Composite ST Coded with No Exceptions Identifier 20 True False Composite ST Text 199 False False Composite ST Name of Coding System 20 False False Composite ID Alternate Identifier 20 False False Composite ST Alternate Text 199 False False Composite ST Name of Alternate Coding System 20 False False Composite ID Coding System Version ID 10 False False Composite ST Alternate Coding System Version ID 10 False False Composite ST Original Text 199 False False Composite ST Sequence ID Value -1 False False String Driver's License Number License Number 20 True False Composite ST Issuing State, Province, Country 20 False False Composite IS Expiration Date 8 False False Composite DT Date Value -1 False False DateTime Date Extended Person Name Family Name 194 False False Composite FN Given Name 30 False False Composite ST Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof 30 False False Composite ST Suffix (e.g., JR or III) 20 False False Composite ST Prefix (e.g., DR) 20 False False Composite ST Degree (e.g., MD) 6 False False Composite IS Name Type Code 1 False False Composite ID Name Representation Code 1 False False Composite ID Name Context 705 False False Composite CWE Name Validity Range 49 False False Composite DR Name Assembly Order 1 False False Composite ID Effective Date 24 False False Composite DTM Expiration Date 24 False False Composite DTM Professional Suffix 199 False False Composite ST Extended Telecommunication Number Telephone Number 0 False False Composite ST Telecommunication Use Code 3 False False Composite ID Telecommunication Equipment Type 8 False False Composite ID Communication Address 199 False False Composite ST Country Code 3 False False Composite NM Area/City Code 5 False False Composite NM Local Number 9 False False Composite NM Extension 5 False False Composite NM Any Text 199 False False Composite ST Extension Prefix 4 False False Composite ST Speed Dial Code 6 False False Composite ST Unformatted Telephone number 199 False False Composite ST Effective Start Date 24 False False Composite DTM Expiration Date 24 False False Composite DTM Expiration Reason 705 False False Composite CWE Protection Code 705 False False Composite CWE Shared Telecommunication Identifier 427 False False Composite EI Preference Order 2 False False Composite NM Extended Composite ID with Check Digit ID Number 15 True False Composite ST Identifier Check Digit 4 False False Composite ST Check Digit Scheme 3 False False Composite ID Assigning Authority 227 False False Composite HD Identifier Type Code 5 False False Composite ID Assigning Facility 227 False False Composite HD Effective Date 8 False False Composite DT Expiration Date 8 False False Composite DT Assigning Jurisdiction 705 False False Composite CWE Assigning Agency or Department 705 False False Composite CWE Discharge to Location and Date Discharge to Location 705 True False Composite CWE Effective Date 24 False False Composite DTM Person Location Point of Care 20 False False Composite IS Room 20 False False Composite IS Bed 20 False False Composite IS Facility 227 False False Composite HD Location Status 20 False False Composite IS Person Location Type 20 False False Composite IS Building 20 False False Composite IS Floor 20 False False Composite IS Location Description 199 False False Composite ST Comprehensive Location Identifier 427 False False Composite EI Assigning Authority for Location 227 False False Composite HD Financial Class Financial Class Code 20 True False Composite IS Effective Date 24 False False Composite DTM Performing Person Time Stamp ID Number 15 False False Composite ST Family Name 194 False False Composite FN Given Name 30 False False Composite ST Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof 30 False False Composite ST Suffix (e.g., JR or III) 20 False False Composite ST Prefix (e.g., DR) 20 False False Composite ST Degree (e.g., MD) 5 False False Composite IS Source Table 4 False False Composite IS Assigning Authority 227 False False Composite HD Name Type Code 1 False False Composite ID Identifier Check Digit 4 False False Composite ST Check Digit Scheme 3 False False Composite ID Identifier Type Code 5 False False Composite ID Assigning Facility 227 False False Composite HD Date/Time Action Performed 24 False False Composite DTM Name Representation Code 1 False False Composite ID Name Context 705 False False Composite CWE Name Validity Range 17 False False Composite DR Name Assembly Order 1 False False Composite ID Effective Date 24 False False Composite DTM Expiration Date 24 False False Composite DTM Professional Suffix 199 False False Composite ST Assigning Jurisdiction 705 False False Composite CWE Assigning Agency or Department 705 False False Composite CWE Text Data Value -1 False False String Encapsulated Data Source Application 1027 False False Composite HD Type of Data 11 True False Composite ID Data Subtype 32 False False Composite ID Encoding 6 True False Composite ID Data 65536 True False Composite TX Timing Quantity Quantity 267 False False Composite CQ Interval 206 False False Composite RI Duration 6 False False Composite ST Start Date/Time 24 False False Composite DTM End Date/Time 24 False False Composite DTM Priority 6 False False Composite ST Condition 199 False False Composite ST Text 200 False False Composite TX Conjunction 1 False False Composite ID Order Sequencing 110 False False Composite OSD Occurrence Duration 705 False False Composite CWE Total Occurrences 4 False False Composite NM Repeat Interval Repeat Pattern 6 False False Composite IS Explicit Time Interval 199 False False Composite ST Composite Quantity with Units Quantity 16 False False Composite NM Units 705 False False Composite CWE Order Sequence Definition Sequence/Results Flag 1 True False Composite ID Placer Order Number: Entity Identifier 15 True False Composite ST Placer Order Number: Namespace ID 6 False False Composite IS Filler Order Number: Entity Identifier 15 True False Composite ST Filler Order Number: Namespace ID 6 False False Composite IS Sequence Condition Value 12 False False Composite ST Maximum Number of Repeats 3 False False Composite NM Placer Order Number: Universal ID 15 True False Composite ST Placer Order Number: Universal ID Type 6 False False Composite ID Filler Order Number: Universal ID 15 True False Composite ST Filler Order Number: Universal ID Type 6 False False Composite ID Entity Identifier Pair Placer Assigned Identifier 427 False False Composite EI Filler Assigned Identifier 427 False False Composite EI Time Value -1 False False DateTime Time Repeat Pattern Repeat Pattern Code 705 True False Composite CWE Calendar Alignment 2 False False Composite ID Phase Range Begin Value 10 False False Composite NM Phase Range End Value 10 False False Composite NM Period Quantity 10 False False Composite NM Period Units 10 False False Composite IS Institution Specified Time 1 False False Composite ID Event 6 False False Composite ID Event Offset Quantity 10 False False Composite NM Event Offset Units 10 False False Composite IS General Timing Specification 200 False False Composite GTS General Timing Specification Value -1 False False String Parent Result Link Parent Observation Identifier 705 True False Composite CWE Parent Observation Sub-identifier 20 False False Composite ST Parent Observation Value Descriptor 250 False False Composite TX Money and Code Monetary Amount 20 False False Composite MO Charge Code 705 False False Composite CWE Money Quantity 16 False False Composite NM Denomination 3 False False Composite ID Specimen Source Specimen Source Name or Code 705 False False Composite CWE Additives 705 False False Composite CWE Specimen Collection Method 200 False False Composite TX Body Site 705 False False Composite CWE Site Modifier 705 False False Composite CWE Collection Method Modifier Code 705 False False Composite CWE Specimen Role 705 False False Composite CWE Name with Date and Location Name 406 False False Composite CNN Start Date/time 24 False False Composite DTM End Date/time 24 False False Composite DTM Point of Care 20 False False Composite IS Room 20 False False Composite IS Bed 20 False False Composite IS Facility 227 False False Composite HD Location Status 20 False False Composite IS Patient Location Type 20 False False Composite IS Building 20 False False Composite IS Floor 20 False False Composite IS Composite ID Number and Name Simplified ID Number 15 False False Composite ST Family Name 50 False False Composite ST Given Name 30 False False Composite ST Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof 30 False False Composite ST Suffix (e.g., JR or III) 20 False False Composite ST Prefix (e.g., DR) 20 False False Composite ST Degree (e.g., MD 5 False False Composite IS Source Table 4 False False Composite IS Assigning Authority - Namespace ID 20 False False Composite IS Assigning Authority - Universal ID 199 False False Composite ST Assigning Authority - Universal ID Type 6 False False Composite ID Formatted Text Data Value -1 False False String DSC Continuation Pointer True Continuation Pointer 0 False 180 ST Continuation Style 0 False 1 ID EVN Event Type True Event Type Code 0 False 0 ID Recorded Date/Time 0 True 24 DTM Date/Time Planned Event 0 False 24 DTM Event Reason Code 0 False 3 IS Operator ID -1 False 250 XCN Event Occurred 0 False 24 DTM Event Facility 0 False 241 HD MSH Message Header True Field Separator 0 True 1 ST Encoding Characters 0 True 4 ST Sending Application 0 False 227 HD Sending Facility 0 False 227 HD Receiving Application 0 False 227 HD Receiving Facility 0 False 227 HD Date/Time of Message 0 True 24 DTM Security 0 False 40 ST Message Type 0 True 15 MSG Message Control ID 0 True 199 ST Processing ID 0 True 3 PT Version ID 0 True 60 VID Sequence Number 0 False 15 NM Continuation Pointer 0 False 180 ST Accept Acknowledgment Type 0 False 2 ID Application Acknowledgment Type 0 False 2 ID Country Code 0 False 3 ID Character Set -1 False 16 ID Principal Language Of Message 0 False 250 CWE Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme 0 False 20 ID Message Profile Identifier -1 False 427 EI Sending Responsible Organization 0 False 567 XON Receiving Responsible Organization 0 False 567 XON Sending Network Address 0 False 227 HD Receiving Network Address 0 False 227 HD OBX Observation/Result True Set ID - OBX 0 False 4 SI Value Type 0 False 3 ID Observation Identifier 0 True 705 CWE Observation Sub-ID 0 False 20 ST Observation Value 0 True 581 CD Units 0 False 705 CWE References Range 0 False 60 ST Abnormal Flags -1 False 5 IS Probability 0 False 5 NM Nature of Abnormal Test -1 False 2 ID Observation Result Status 0 True 1 ID Effective Date of Reference Range 0 False 24 DTM User Defined Access Checks 0 False 20 ST Date/Time of the Observation 0 False 24 DTM Producer's ID 0 False 705 CWE Responsible Observer -1 False 3220 XCN Observation Method -1 False 705 CWE Equipment Instance Identifier -1 False 427 EI Date/Time of the Analysis 0 False 24 DTM Observation Site -1 False 705 CWE Observation Instance Identifier 0 False 427 EI Mood Code 0 False 705 CNE Performing Organization Name 0 False 570 XON Performing Organization Address 0 False 2915 XAD Performing Organization Medical Director 0 False 3220 XCN PID Patient Identification True Set ID - PID 0 False 4 SI Patient ID 0 False 0 CX Patient Identifier List -1 True 250 CX Alternate Patient ID - PID -1 False 0 CX Patient Name -1 True 250 XPN Mother's Maiden Name -1 False 250 XPN Date/Time of Birth 0 False 24 DTM Administrative Sex 0 False 1 IS Patient Alias -1 False 0 XPN Race -1 False 705 CWE Patient Address -1 False 250 XAD County Code 0 False 0 IS Phone Number - Home -1 False 250 XTN Phone Number - Business -1 False 250 XTN Primary Language 0 False 705 CWE Marital Status 0 False 705 CWE Religion 0 False 705 CWE Patient Account Number 0 False 250 CX SSN Number - Patient 0 False 0 ST Driver's License Number - Patient 0 False 0 DLN Mother's Identifier -1 False 250 CX Ethnic Group -1 False 705 CWE Birth Place 0 False 250 ST Multiple Birth Indicator 0 False 1 ID Birth Order 0 False 2 NM Citizenship -1 False 705 CWE Veterans Military Status 0 False 705 CWE Nationality 0 False 0 CWE Patient Death Date and Time 0 False 24 DTM Patient Death Indicator 0 False 1 ID Identity Unknown Indicator 0 False 1 ID Identity Reliability Code -1 False 20 IS Last Update Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Last Update Facility 0 False 241 HD Species Code 0 False 705 CWE Breed Code 0 False 705 CWE Strain 0 False 80 ST Production Class Code 0 False 705 CWE Tribal Citizenship -1 False 705 CWE PV1 Patient Visit True Set ID - PV1 0 False 4 SI Patient Class 0 True 1 IS Assigned Patient Location 0 False 80 PL Admission Type 0 False 2 IS Preadmit Number 0 False 250 CX Prior Patient Location 0 False 80 PL Attending Doctor -1 False 250 XCN Referring Doctor -1 False 250 XCN Consulting Doctor -1 False 0 XCN Hospital Service 0 False 3 IS Temporary Location 0 False 80 PL Preadmit Test Indicator 0 False 2 IS Re-admission Indicator 0 False 2 IS Admit Source 0 False 6 IS Ambulatory Status -1 False 2 IS VIP Indicator 0 False 2 IS Admitting Doctor -1 False 250 XCN Patient Type 0 False 2 IS Visit Number 0 False 250 CX Financial Class -1 False 50 FC Charge Price Indicator 0 False 2 IS Courtesy Code 0 False 2 IS Credit Rating 0 False 2 IS Contract Code -1 False 2 IS Contract Effective Date -1 False 8 DT Contract Amount -1 False 12 NM Contract Period -1 False 3 NM Interest Code 0 False 2 IS Transfer to Bad Debt Code 0 False 4 IS Transfer to Bad Debt Date 0 False 8 DT Bad Debt Agency Code 0 False 10 IS Bad Debt Transfer Amount 0 False 12 NM Bad Debt Recovery Amount 0 False 12 NM Delete Account Indicator 0 False 1 IS Delete Account Date 0 False 8 DT Discharge Disposition 0 False 3 IS Discharged to Location 0 False 47 DLD Diet Type 0 False 705 CWE Servicing Facility 0 False 2 IS Bed Status 0 False 0 IS Account Status 0 False 2 IS Pending Location 0 False 80 PL Prior Temporary Location 0 False 80 PL Admit Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Discharge Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Current Patient Balance 0 False 12 NM Total Charges 0 False 12 NM Total Adjustments 0 False 12 NM Total Payments 0 False 12 NM Alternate Visit ID 0 False 250 CX Visit Indicator 0 False 1 IS Other Healthcare Provider -1 False 0 XCN TXA Transcription Document Header True Set ID- TXA 0 True 4 SI Document Type 0 True 30 IS Document Content Presentation 0 False 2 ID Activity Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Primary Activity Provider Code/Name -1 False 250 XCN Origination Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Transcription Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Edit Date/Time -1 False 24 DTM Originator Code/Name -1 False 250 XCN Assigned Document Authenticator -1 False 250 XCN Transcriptionist Code/Name -1 False 250 XCN Unique Document Number 0 True 427 EI Parent Document Number 0 False 427 EI Placer Order Number -1 False 427 EI Filler Order Number 0 False 427 EI Unique Document File Name 0 False 30 ST Document Completion Status 0 True 2 ID Document Confidentiality Status 0 False 2 ID Document Availability Status 0 False 2 ID Document Storage Status 0 False 2 ID Document Change Reason 0 False 30 ST Authentication Person, Time Stamp (set) -1 False 250 PPN Distributed Copies (Code and Name of Recipient(s) ) -1 False 250 XCN ADD Addendum True Addendum Continuation Pointer 0 False 65536 ST PR1 Procedures True Set ID - PR1 0 True 4 SI Procedure Coding Method 0 False 0 ST Procedure Code 0 True 705 CNE Procedure Description 0 False 0 ST Procedure Date/Time 0 True 24 DTM Procedure Functional Type 0 False 2 IS Procedure Minutes 0 False 4 NM Anesthesiologist 0 False 0 ST Anesthesia Code 0 False 2 IS Anesthesia Minutes 0 False 4 NM Surgeon 0 False 0 ST Procedure Practitioner 0 False 0 ST Consent Code 0 False 250 CWE Procedure Priority 0 False 2 ID Associated Diagnosis Code 0 False 250 CWE Procedure Code Modifier -1 False 705 CNE Procedure DRG Type 0 False 20 IS Tissue Type Code -1 False 250 CWE Procedure Identifier 0 False 427 EI Procedure Action Code 0 False 1 ID DRG Procedure Determination Status 0 False 20 IS DRG Procedure Relevance 0 False 20 IS ZTR True Field1 0 False -1 ID Field2 0 False -1 ID Field3 0 False -1 ID Field4 0 False -1 ID App 0 False -1 ID Clinic 0 False -1 ID Field7 0 False -1 ID Field8 0 False -1 ID Field9 0 False -1 ID Id 0 False -1 CX SFT Software Segment True Software Vendor Organization 0 True 567 XON Software Certified Version or Release Number 0 True 15 ST Software Product Name 0 True 20 ST Software Binary ID 0 True 20 ST Software Product Information 0 False 1024 TX Software Install Date 0 False 24 DTM UAC User Authentication Credential Segment True User Authentication Credential Type Code 0 True 705 CWE User Authentication Credential 0 True 65536 ED ORC Common Order True Order Control 0 True 2 ID Placer Order Number 0 False 427 EI Filler Order Number 0 False 427 EI Placer Group Number 0 False 22 EI Order Status 0 False 2 ID Response Flag 0 False 1 ID Quantity/Timing -1 False 0 TQ Parent 0 False 200 EIP Date/Time of Transaction 0 False 24 DTM Entered By -1 False 3220 XCN Verified By -1 False 250 XCN Ordering Provider -1 False 3220 XCN Enterer's Location 0 False 80 PL Call Back Phone Number -1 False 250 XTN Order Effective Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Order Control Code Reason 0 False 250 CWE Entering Organization 0 False 250 CWE Entering Device 0 False 250 CWE Action By -1 False 250 XCN Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code 0 False 250 CWE Ordering Facility Name -1 False 250 XON Ordering Facility Address -1 False 250 XAD Ordering Facility Phone Number -1 False 250 XTN Ordering Provider Address -1 False 250 XAD Order Status Modifier 0 False 250 CWE Advanced Beneficiary Notice Override Reason 0 False 60 CWE Filler's Expected Availability Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Confidentiality Code 0 False 250 CWE Order Type 0 False 250 CWE Enterer Authorization Mode 0 False 250 CNE Parent Universal Service Identifier 0 False 250 CWE TQ1 Timing/Quantity True Set ID - TQ1 0 False 4 SI Quantity 0 False 20 CQ Repeat Pattern -1 False 540 RPT Explicit Time -1 False 20 TM Relative Time and Units -1 False 20 CQ Service Duration 0 False 20 CQ Start date/time 0 False 24 DTM End date/time 0 False 24 DTM Priority -1 False 250 CWE Condition text 0 False 250 TX Text instruction 0 False 250 TX Conjunction 0 False 10 ID Occurrence duration 0 False 20 CQ Total occurrences 0 False 10 NM TQ2 Timing/Quantity Relationship True Set ID - TQ2 0 False 4 SI Sequence/Results Flag 0 False 1 ID Related Placer Number -1 False 22 EI Related Filler Number -1 False 22 EI Related Placer Group Number -1 False 22 EI Sequence Condition Code 0 False 2 ID Cyclic Entry/Exit Indicator 0 False 1 ID Sequence Condition Time Interval 0 False 20 CQ Cyclic Group Maximum Number of Repeats 0 False 10 NM Special Service Request Relationship 0 False 1 ID OBR Observation Request True Set ID - OBR 0 False 4 SI Placer Order Number 0 False 427 EI Filler Order Number 0 False 427 EI Universal Service Identifier 0 True 705 CWE Priority 0 False 0 ID Requested Date/Time 0 False 0 DTM Observation Date/Time # 0 False 24 DTM Observation End Date/Time # 0 False 24 DTM Collection Volume * 0 False 722 CQ Collector Identifier * -1 False 3220 XCN Specimen Action Code * 0 False 1 ID Danger Code 0 False 705 CWE Relevant Clinical Information 0 False 300 ST Specimen Received Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Specimen Source 0 False 0 SPS Ordering Provider -1 False 3220 XCN Order Callback Phone Number -1 False 2743 XTN Placer Field 1 0 False 199 ST Placer Field 2 0 False 199 ST Filler Field 1 + 0 False 199 ST Filler Field 2 + 0 False 199 ST Results Rpt/Status Chng - Date/Time + 0 False 24 DTM Charge to Practice + 0 False 504 MOC Diagnostic Serv Sect ID 0 False 10 ID Result Status + 0 False 1 ID Parent Result + 0 False 977 PRL Quantity/Timing -1 False 0 TQ Result Copies To -1 False 3220 XCN Parent 0 False 855 EIP Transportation Mode 0 False 20 ID Reason for Study -1 False 705 CWE Principal Result Interpreter + 0 False 0 NDL Assistant Result Interpreter + -1 False 0 NDL Technician + -1 False 0 NDL Transcriptionist + -1 False 0 NDL Scheduled Date/Time + 0 False 24 DTM Number of Sample Containers * 0 False 16 NM Transport Logistics of Collected Sample * -1 False 705 CWE Collector's Comment * -1 False 705 CWE Transport Arrangement Responsibility 0 False 705 CWE Transport Arranged 0 False 30 ID Escort Required 0 False 1 ID Planned Patient Transport Comment -1 False 705 CWE Procedure Code 0 False 705 CNE Procedure Code Modifier -1 False 705 CNE Placer Supplemental Service Information -1 False 705 CWE Filler Supplemental Service Information -1 False 705 CWE Medically Necessary Duplicate Procedure Reason 0 False 705 CWE Result Handling 0 False 2 IS Parent Universal Service Identifier 0 False 705 CWE NTE Notes and Comments True Set ID - NTE 0 False 4 SI Source of Comment 0 False 8 ID Comment -1 False 65536 FT Comment Type 0 False 250 CWE Entered By 0 False 3220 XCN Entered Date/Time 0 False 24 DTM Effective Start Date 0 False 24 DTM Expiration Date 0 False 24 DTM True False
True False Message False False False 0 group MSH False False False 0 segment 2 EVN True False False 0 segment 1 PID True False False 0 segment 4 PV1 True False False 0 segment 5 TXA True False False 0 segment 6 OBX True False False 0 segment 3 DSC True False False 0 segment 0 ADD True False False 0 segment 7 PR1 True False False 0 segment 8 ZTR True False False 0 segment 9 MSH MDM 8 0 0 0 MSH T04 8 0 1 0 group -1 0 0 48 92 69 6 HL7 True True 32 255 HL7 False 46 TABLE - Short Tags False True 3 False 2 False True MSH False 2 13 0 0 0 -1 -1 124 126 70 82 3 5 94 0 83 0 4 -1 38 0 84 0 7 -1 True True