Creating a channel that manipulates the messages passing through it? The following channel elements include access to the Translator Editor, allowing you to create and impose scripts upon the data flowing through the channel:
- To Translator element
- From Translator element
- A Filter
Warning! When you create a channel that includes any one of these elements, the following warning appears:
Channel has configuration errors which will prevent it from being run. Please see below.
No milestone is saved. The channel cannot be run.
Don’t panic! This is simply a function of Iguana’s robust version control system. This warning is a built-in way to ensure that you save the all-important initial milestone once you start scripting for this channel. This warning is easily resolved once you open the Translator for the first time. As soon as you’ve created/imported the new project for this channel, simply create an initial milestone that “saves” your new Translator instance. The warning will disappear.
- For more information about opening the Translator for the first time, see Accessing the Iguana Translator.
- For more information about milestones, see Using Milestones.