There are many integration problems for which it is very useful to store and retrieve values in a persistent storage mechanism. The embedded SQLite engine in Iguana 5.0.7 onwards provides a very convenient way to implement such a store.
The module given here has a really easy to use interface, it’s just a matter of putting store = require 'store'
at the top of your code and then you can jump in and use it like this:
To make it easier for you the store module includes help for all its functions:
Under the hood what this module does is create a SQLite database called ‘store.db’ in the working directory of Iguana which has a table called ‘store’ which has the name=value pairs. You don’t need to understand it’s internals to use it how ever. Just create a store module, download the code from our code repository, paste it into the module, and it will all work automatically:
Here is the sample code for you to play with:
store = require 'store' function main() store.put('LastCompanyCheck', '199901012100') store.get('LastCompanyCheck') store.put('LastCompanyCheck','%Y%m%d%H%M')) store.get('LastCompanyCheck') -- if more than 1 row in store then reset store.getTableState() -- check store before if #store.getTableState() > 1 then store.resetTableState() end store.getTableState() -- check store after end
Download the latest version of the store.lua module from our code repository