Iguana error list examples

You may want to view our list of common Iguana errors, in the reference section of the wiki.

First lets look at some general error messages:

Message Type Source LogSource Location Description Comment Action
…D3AD855E7482D16F13CAC750CB2F_558sharedcheckmsg.lua:235: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘Cnt’ (a nil value) Lua debug Interfaceware Log Export _MarkCertAssignment (deleted) Iguana Logs invalid arithmetic operation probably did not initialize the variable fix Lua code
ACK query response has been inactive for 1 minute. error Interfaceware Log Export ACK query response Iguana Logs no ACK response for 1 minute if this error occurs regularly it should be investigated manage – fix
CDA mapping has been inactive for 1 minute. error Interfaceware Log Export CDA mapping Iguana Logs CDA mapping has been inactive for 1 minute if this error occurs regularly it should be investigated manage – fix


If you view all the fields you can see the the messages were filtered on Status = Show, which is used to filter out errors that are very similar. The similar messages are chosen manually and the status is updated using the ErrorsDoc.csv. If you want to view similar messages you can change the code to drop this filter.

Note: this function is included in the code.

Message Type Status Source LogSource Location Description Comment Action
…D3AD855E7482D16F13CAC750CB2F_558sharedcheckmsg.lua:235: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘Cnt’ (a nil value) Lua debug show Interfaceware Log Export _MarkCertAssignment (deleted) Iguana Logs invalid arithmetic operation probably did not initialize the variable fix Lua code
ACK query response has been inactive for 1 minute. error show Interfaceware Log Export ACK query response Iguana Logs no ACK response for 1 minute if this error occurs regularly it should be investigated manage – fix
CDA mapping has been inactive for 1 minute. error show Interfaceware Log Export CDA mapping Iguana Logs CDA mapping has been inactive for 1 minute if this error occurs regularly it should be investigated manage – fix


You might just want to look at debug errors generated by Lua code:

We have a special code for this so you can query on Type = Lua debug.

Note: this function is included in the code.

Message Type Status Source LogSource Location Description Comment Action
…D3AD855E7482D16F13CAC750CB2F_558sharedcheckmsg.lua:235: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘Cnt’ (a nil value) Lua debug show Interfaceware Log Export _MarkCertAssignment (deleted) Iguana Logs invalid arithmetic operation probably did not initialize the variable fix Lua code
Translator error occurred in module “main”, line 112:nattempt to compare nil with string Lua debug show Interfaceware Log Export Exercise – Web Result (deleted) Iguana Logs Lua code error refer to programmer fix Lua code
Translator error occurred in module “main”, line 147:nattempt to call method ‘S’ (a nil value) Lua debug show Interfaceware Log Export _MarkCertAssignment (deleted) Iguana Logs :S() function not defined probably just need to include the “node” module (require ‘node’) – unless you prefer to define the :S() function somewhere else define :S() function


You might just want to only show the Errors and the Actions:

Note: this function is included in the code but it is commented out (last line in main() function).

Message Action
…D3AD855E7482D16F13CAC750CB2F_558sharedcheckmsg.lua:235: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘Cnt’ (a nil value) fix Lua code
ACK query response has been inactive for 1 minute. manage – fix
Configuration errors were present:\r\n   * Directory into which error files are moved is invalid. It either does not exist, or the user Iguana is running under does not have sufficient permission to access it.\r\n   * Directory into which processed files are moved is invalid. It either does not exist, or the user Iguana is running under does not have sufficient permission to access it.\r\n   * Directory from which files are read is invalid. It either does not exist, or the user Iguana is running under does not have sufficient permission to access it.\r\nPlease edit the channel configuration to eliminate these errors.\r\n Create directory or fix permission issue
Created sub-directory ‘D:\logs\index’. no action needed – you may want to investigate the casue
Email notification message could not be sent.\r\nReason: ERROR: Provided authentication rejected.\r\nResponse was:\r\n535 Login incorrect -ERR support@interfaceware.com password wrong or not a valid user\r\n correct the user/password and confirm it works
Error (0)nSQLite error occurred while fetching row.\r\nSQLite: test.sqlite\r\nPrepared SQL statement: DELETE FROM patient\r\n\r\nno such table: patient debug
Error encountered while filtering message:\r\nTranslator error occurred in module “main”, line 23:nCopy of HL7 message does not match the original fix Lua code


Obviously there is a lot more that can be done – we leave that to your imagination.

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