First Steps: Building a Simple Interface

Import the Project

The Iguana Translator allows you to import and export projects (code, sample data, modules) as zip files. This makes it very easy to share your work between Iguana instances.

For this tutorial, we have prepared a starter project that contains the following:

  • Skeleton code for the main() function
  • Six HL7 sample messages

Before going any further, please download this project:

To import the project file into the channel:

  1. From the dialog that appears when you first opened the filter’s script, enable both Import project from zip file and its accompanying Import sample data option.
  2. Click the Choose File button.
  3. In the dialog that appears, browse and select the project zip file (
  4. Click the Import button. Iguana loads the project into the Translator (including the code, and sample data). Your screen should look like this:
    Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 10.25.08

Now we are ready to start writing the code for our channel. Our first task will be to parse the HL7 message.