The Interchange or TA1 Acknowledgment is a means of replying to an interchange or transmission that has been sent. The TA1 acknowledgment verifies the envelopes only.
Transaction set-specific verification is accomplished through use of the Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Set, 997. See A.1.5.2, Functional Acknowledgment, 997, for more details.
In this example we create “Interchange Acknowledgment, TA1”. Creating “Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Set, 997” is subject for different example.
The TA1 is a single segment and is unique in the sense that this single segment is transmitted without the GS/GE envelope structures. A TA1 can be included in an interchange with other functional groups and transactions.
For complete description refer to A.1.5.1 in “Electronic Data Interchange Transaction Set Implementation Guide” for “HealthCare Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response” (Includes October 2002 Addenda Changes) the “270/271 Combined May 2000 004010X092 and October 2002” 004010X092A1
require 'x12node' require 'x12TA1' function main(Message) local In = x12.parse{ vmd = 'x12.vmd', data = Message } local Out = x12.message{ vmd = 'TA1.vmd',name = 'TA1' } Ack = x12TA1.TA1Ack_004010X091(In, Out) return Ack end
Example is using three shared files: x12node, subs, and x12TA1, presented below.
When dealing with conformance to Standard, many values forced to appear *hard-coded*. However, lists of *valid* values are subject to any specific interface implementation. Lists can be expanded with additional values as needed.
Shared file ‘x12node’:
-- node functions for use with X12 function node.N(n) return type(tonumber(n:nodeValue())) == "number" end function node.S(n) return tostring(n) end function node.E(n) return ((#(string.gsub( n:nodeValue(),' ', ''))) == 0) end function node.L(n,l) for i, v in ipairs(l) do if string.gsub( n:nodeValue(), ' ', '') == v then return true end end end
Shared file ‘x12TA1’:
Functions in this file bound by recommendations and “hardcoded” values based on document “Electronic Data Interchange Transaction Set Implementation Guide” for “HealthCare Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response” (Includes October 2002 Addenda Changes) the “270/271 Combined May 2000 004010X092 and October 2002” 004010X092A1
x12TA1 = {} local function toX12(S) S = string.gsub (S, "|", "*") S = string.gsub (S, "r", "~") return string.gsub(S..'~',"*~","~") end local function TA105_004010X091(n) -- supported Standard List SSL = {'U'} -- supported Controls Version List SCV = {'00401'} -- valid Interchange ID Qualifier For Sender List VIIQFS = {'01','14','20','27','28','29','30','33','ZZ'} -- valid Interchange Sender ID List VISI = {'345529167','Sender'} -- valid Interchange ID Qualifier For Receiver List VIIQFR = {'01','14','20','27','28','29','30','33','ZZ'} -- valid Interchange Receiver ID List VIRI = {'445483154','ReceiverID','4000136'} -- valid Authorization Information Qualifier Value List VAIQV = {'00','03'} -- valid Security Information Qualifier Value List VSIQV = {'00','01'} I07L = 15 I01L = 10 I03L = 10 I11L = 5 if n.ISA[13]:nodeValue() ~= n.IEA[2]:nodeValue() then return '001' end if n.ISA[13]:E() then return "018" end if n.IEA[2]:E() then return "018" end if not n.ISA[13]:N() then return "018" end if not n.IEA[2]:N() then return "018" end if not n.ISA[11]:L(SSL) then return "002" end if n.ISA[11]:E() then return "016" end if #(n.ISA[11]:nodeValue()) > 1 then return "016" end if not n.ISA[12]:L(SCV) then return "003" end if not n.ISA[5]:L(VIIQFS) then return "005" end if not n.ISA[7]:L(VIIQFR) then return "007" end if #(n.ISA[8]:nodeValue()) > I07L or n.ISA[8]:E() then return "008" end if not n.ISA[8]:L(VIRI) then return "009" end if not n.ISA[1]:L(VAIQV) then return "010" end if n.ISA[1]:nodeValue() == '00' and not n.ISA[2]:E() then return '011' end if n.ISA[1]:nodeValue() == '03' and n.ISA[2]:E() then return '011' end if n.ISA[1]:nodeValue() == '03' and #(n.ISA[2]:nodeValue()) > I01L then return '011' end if not n.ISA[3]:L(VSIQV) then return "012" end if n.ISA[3]:nodeValue() == '00' and not n.ISA[4]:E() then return '013' end if n.ISA[3]:nodeValue() == '03' and n.ISA[4]:E() then return '013' end if n.ISA[3]:nodeValue() == '03' and #(n.ISA[4]:nodeValue()) > I03L then return '013' end if n.ISA[9]:nodeValue() ~="%y%m%d",os.time{ year = "20"..string.sub( n.ISA[9]:nodeValue(),1,2 ), month = string.sub( n.ISA[9]:nodeValue(),3,4 ), day = string.sub( n.ISA[9]:nodeValue(),5,6 ), hour = string.sub( n.ISA[10]:nodeValue(),1,2 ), minute = string.sub( n.ISA[10]:nodeValue(),3,4 )} ) then return "014" end if n.ISA[10]:nodeValue() ~="%H%M",os.time{ year = "20"..string.sub( n.ISA[9]:nodeValue(),1,2 ), month = string.sub( n.ISA[9]:nodeValue(),3,4 ), day = string.sub( n.ISA[9]:nodeValue(),5,6 ), hour = string.sub( n.ISA[10]:nodeValue(),1,2 ), minute = string.sub( n.ISA[10]:nodeValue(),3,4 )} ) then return "015" end if #(n.ISA[12]:nodeValue()) ~= I11L then return '017' end return '000' end function x12TA1.TA1Ack_004010X091(In, Out) InIE = In.IE Out.ISA = InIE.ISA Out.IEA = InIE.IEA Out.ISA[14] = '0' Out.ISA[16] = ':' Out.TA1[1] = InIE.IEA[2] Out.TA1[2] = InIE.ISA[9] Out.TA1[3] = InIE.ISA[10] Out.TA1[5] = TA105_004010X091(InIE) if Out.TA1[5]:nodeValue() == '000' then Out.TA1[4] = 'A' else Out.TA1[4] = 'R' end return (toX12(Out:S())) end
Two generic vmd files added to “other” files: X12.vmd and TA1.vmd (attached below). Both are generic and dealing only with those parts of X12 message structure which are relevant in scope of automatic generation of TA1 Acknowledgment. There is no practical need to expand (AKA complicate) these vmd files to deal with other particulars of X12 messages. This example shows TA1 for 270/271 “HealthCare Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response” scenario, but in similar way it can be reworked to service acknowledgments to other transactions.