Iguana Micro Services

Iguana was built for the complexities of hospital connectivity and disparity of data sources so that all data could be accessed on demand and vertically sliced, for easy inter-system communication.

Iguana’s design follows the principles of micro-services. Reducing the size of serialized data with efforts to increase scale, speed and data throughput was accomplished through a Data as a Service (DaaS) interface engine platform called Iguana that encapsulates micro-serviced API channels, API gateways, database services and more.

Though Iguana has been deployed in financial services and telecom, primarily it has been used for medical services because of the complex and scale of those environments. Iguana is best used in the telecom, media and technology (TMT) sector in any industry needing to scale, increase data throughput and speed, reduce cost and increase speed to market.

The Iguana Interface Engine can generate micro-data-services, connect to all systems, regardless the format or protocol. Connect the data source, create API channel one time, generate the API, communicate with any device, application and/or data structure, newly deployed or otherwise.

Iguana can help to reduce customer acquisition cost (CAC) creating a more than acceptable customer life-time value (LTV) versus customer acquisition cost (CAC) ratio of 3 to 1 or better.