What if … I have uninstall problems with Chameleon when upgrading Iguana on Windows?

The easiest way to upgrade Iguana is by using the Automatic Installer. As part of this process Chameleon is uninstalled and reinstalled, occasionally issues can arise during the Chameleon uninstall. Here are some steps you can take to resolve these issues.

Exactly the same issues apply if you are removing (uninstalling) Iguana and Chameleon from your system.

Note: You will need Local Administrator privileges to perform these actions. Contact your system administrator if you need help with this.

Upgrade using the Automatic Installer

  • To upgrade:
  • If you get an error “Some common iNTERFACEWARE files are in use. Please close all iNTERFACEWARE applications and run Setup again”
    • You may have Iguana and/or Chameleon open, close them and try again
    • It is possible that another program may have files open, close all other programs and try again
  • If you get an Error about a missing uninstall file (install.log)
    • Create an empty text file named “install.log” to replace the missing file, either in the Iguana and/or Chameleon install directory

      Note: The “missing install.log” is a Windows Installer issue not an Iguana issue. The empty file simply tricks the installer into continuing. You can use this same trick with other programs, though the file name may be different.

      The issue occurs because Windows stores information about the whereabouts of the uninstall file (install.log) in the Registry. You could delete the Registry entries but simply creating an empty install.log file is easier and safer. If you are re-installing after a Manual Uninstall you may need to create the install directories (if they do not exist yet).

  • If this fails then try the Manual Upgrade Procedure

Uninstall Iguana using the Automatic Installer

  • To remove Iguana and Chameleon use Windows Add Remove Programs (which runs the automated installer)
  • The same errors can occur as during an upgrade (above), the same solutions apply
  • If this fails use the Manual Uninstall Procedure

Manual Upgrade Procedure

The Iguana Windows Manual Install does not contain Chameleon. Therefore this method bypasses any issues with uninstalling Chameleon because the Chameleon install is unchanged.

  • Follow the Windows manual install instructions
  • As always you should backup critical files first before installing (the first step in the instructions)
  • If Chameleon (and/or Iguana) are still not working then you will need to use the Manual Uninstall Procedure

Note: This method preserves all your settings (channels etc) because the manual install does not include the Iguana configuration files.

Manual Uninstall Procedure

This procedure should only be used as a last resort, when other options have failed.

Upgrading Iguana: If upgrading with the Automatic Installer fails, then try the Manual Upgrade. If Chameleon (and/or Iguana) are still not working then perform a manual uninstall.

Uninstalling Iguana: If uninstalling with the Automatic Installer fails, then perform a manual uninstall.

Warning! This procedure involves editing registry settings. Always make a backup of your registry before editing it, particularly if you are working on a production server.

  • Optional: If you are going to re-install Iguana then you need to make a backup of of the Iguana System files and Log files: See How to backup and restore Iguana
  • Stop Iguana service
  • Delete Iguana install directory
  • Delete the Chameleon install directory
  • Delete all instances of the Registry entry named iNTERFACEWARE
    • Use the find find function to search for “interfaceware”
    • You will also find various other iNTERFACEWARE related entries which you may want to delete (use your discretion)
  • Optional: Re-install Iguana using the Automated Installer (which includes Chameleon).

Note: If you are re-installing Iguana after a Manual Uninstall you may get the “missing install.log” error, once again just create an empty install.log file in the Iguana/Chameleon (create the install directories if they do not exist).

For More Information

Please contact support at support@interfaceware.com if you need more help.