Purpose: Lua does not have milliseconds and sometimes you have a need to output a two digit millisecond. I built this particularly for when outputting HL7 messages to a file i needed the files to be in sequence based upon milliseconds. If you are just trying to benchmark then you can use os.clock but it gets a little trickier when trying to get a valid two digit millisecond.
- If you are Benchmarking here are some options
Steps to Build:
- Open a Translator
- Create a Shared module and name it ‘milliseconds’
- Paste code into module
function ms() mil = tostring(string.format("%.2f", os.clock())) mil = mil:sub(mil:find('%.'),mil:len()) mil = 60 * mil mil = tostring(mil) subd = mil:find('%.') if mil:len() == 4 then mil = mil:sub(0, subd -1) elseif mil:len() == 3 then mil = '0' .. mil:sub(0, subd-1) elseif mil:len() == 2 then mil = mil:sub(0, subd) elseif mil:len() == 1 then mil = '0'..mil:sub(0, subd) end return mil end
- Import shared module from main script by entering “require ‘millisecond'”
- Test it out by typing
in an active function