Display Excel csv file in HTML tables

Purpose:  I needed to convert excel spreedsheet into html tables at one point.  Here I have taken that concept and made a little project that you could begin with.  You could use the link below which discusses how to have Iguana convert an excel into a csv for you automatically.  Also you may choose to not have this a web service but to produce an actual html page. However, as a way to display this easily, I have chosen to display as a web service and I included a csv file inside the project


Steps to Build the Channel:

  • Source = From https
    your url path can be anything I chose ‘html’
    example of web call http://localhost:6544/html
  • Filter = None
  • Destination = to Queue

Writing the Code:

  1. Open the translator in the ‘From HTTPS’ source (To Download Choose Link above)
  2. Save the milestone
  3. Run the channel
  4. Press on the link from the tool tip when hovering over your channel source

Review the Code:

require 'split'

function trace(A) return end 

-- Search whole directory = Directory = 'edit\\admin\\other\\Patient'
Directory = 'edit\\admin\\other\\'

function main(Data)

   --more than one = local F = io.popen('cd '..Directory .. ' && dir *.csv /B')
   local F = io.popen('cd '..Directory .. ' && dir Patient_List.csv /B')
   --local F = io.popen(Directory)

   local R = F:read('*a')
   local Files = R:split('\n')
   TT = ''

   for i =1, #Files do 
      if Files[i] and Files[i] ~= '' then
         TT = TT..'\r'..PullCSV(Directory..Files[i])



function PullCSV(F)
   local F = io.open(F)
   if F then 
      local L = F:read('*a')
      local TableComplete = build(L)
      return TableComplete

function build(csv)
   if csv ~= nil and csv ~= '' then
      local L = csv:split('\n')
      local newT = {}
    --start html table
      newT[1] = "<TABLE border ='1'><TR>"
   --create inside of html table 
      for i =2, #L do 
         newT[i] = "<TD>"..L[i].."</TD></TR><TR>"
         newT[i] = newT[i]:gsub(',', '</TD><TD>')
 --add one additional line to end html table 
      newT[#L+1] = "</TR></TABLE>"
  --put it all together and return
      Thtml = ''
      for k,v in pairs(newT) do 
         Thtml = Thtml..v
      return Thtml

End Result

  • You can make any adjustment to the HTML that you would like so that the formatting looks nicer but below is an example of the result.