Purpose: I needed to convert excel spreedsheet into html tables at one point. Here I have taken that concept and made a little project that you could begin with. You could use the link below which discusses how to have Iguana convert an excel into a csv for you automatically. Also you may choose to not have this a web service but to produce an actual html page. However, as a way to display this easily, I have chosen to display as a web service and I included a csv file inside the project
- Download = Excel_to_HTML_table_From_HTTPS.zip
- Learn to use Iguana to convert your Excel sheets into comma separated value documents http://help.interfaceware.com/kb/609
Steps to Build the Channel:
- Source = From https
your url path can be anything I chose ‘html’
example of web call http://localhost:6544/html - Filter = None
- Destination = to Queue
Writing the Code:
- Open the translator in the ‘From HTTPS’ source (To Download Choose Link above)
- Save the milestone
- Run the channel
- Press on the link from the tool tip when hovering over your channel source
Review the Code:
require 'split' function trace(A) return end -- Search whole directory = Directory = 'edit\\admin\\other\\Patient' Directory = 'edit\\admin\\other\\' function main(Data) queue.push{data=Data} --more than one = local F = io.popen('cd '..Directory .. ' && dir *.csv /B') local F = io.popen('cd '..Directory .. ' && dir Patient_List.csv /B') --local F = io.popen(Directory) local R = F:read('*a') local Files = R:split('\n') trace(Files) TT = '' for i =1, #Files do if Files[i] and Files[i] ~= '' then trace(Files[i]) TT = TT..'\r'..PullCSV(Directory..Files[i]) trace(TT) end end net.http.respond{body=TT} end function PullCSV(F) local F = io.open(F) if F then local L = F:read('*a') local TableComplete = build(L) return TableComplete end end function build(csv) if csv ~= nil and csv ~= '' then local L = csv:split('\n') local newT = {} --start html table newT[1] = "<TABLE border ='1'><TR>" --create inside of html table for i =2, #L do newT[i] = "<TD>"..L[i].."</TD></TR><TR>" newT[i] = newT[i]:gsub(',', '</TD><TD>') end --add one additional line to end html table newT[#L+1] = "</TR></TABLE>" --put it all together and return Thtml = '' for k,v in pairs(newT) do Thtml = Thtml..v end return Thtml end end
End Result
- You can make any adjustment to the HTML that you would like so that the formatting looks nicer but below is an example of the result.