Once in a while question how to obscure password comes up in Support inquiries, so here is a little lean and trivial example. Not in necessary the best, but one of the ways to do it.
obscuring present participle of ob·scure (Verb)
- Keep from being seen; conceal.
- Make unclear and difficult to understand.
So it is not bullet-proof to protect your password, but only make it hard to read.
Task takes few steps:
- on Developer machine manually create file with key to encrypt/decrypt (see sample in attachments below, open with text editor)
- file with encrypted password generated on Developer machine
- two files from (1) and (2) above copied to Production machine
Let’s see Developer side first:
require('strings') function main () Data ='secret' local FileNameExt = '.bin' local fPath = 'c:\\temp\\pwdOut\\' local fn=nextFileName(fPath,FileNameExt) local Key = readBinary(fPath..'key'..FileNameExt) local Base64Encoded = encPassword(Data,Key) writeBinary(fn,Base64Encoded) end function writeBinary(fn,binData) local f = io.open(fn, "wb") f:write(binData) f:close() end function readBinary(fn) local f = io.open(fn, "rb") if (f) then local s=f:read("*all") f:close() return s end end function encPassword(Data,Key) local Data = Data or 'myPassword' local AesEncrypted = filter.aes.enc{data=Data,key=Key} return filter.base64.enc(AesEncrypted) end function nextFileName(fPath,FileNameExt) -- configure paths, etc... local pwdFileNameSuffix = '_password' local FilePattern = '*'..FileNameExt local n=5 -- sets number of zeroes to pad in file name. local nameIndex -- if running on Win then command to use is 'dir /b' -- on different os command will be different local P = io.popen('dir /b '..fPath..FilePattern) local List = P:read('*a') for k, v in pairs (List:split('n')) do nameIndex=k end -- enhance file name Index as desired .... nameIndex=tostring(nameIndex):zfill(n) return fPath..tostring(nameIndex).. pwdFileNameSuffix..FileNameExt end
After copying successfully created password and key files to Production server, we can pass password to applicable function as shown in below code snippet.
Note: The database connection in the example below has been taken as example of a password consumer. This connection is not required for password decryption itself.
--[[ Two files required to work: one with encrypted password, the other with key to decrypt. ]] function main() local FileNameExt = '.bin' local fPath = 'c:temppwdOut' local fn=fPath..'00015_password'..FileNameExt local fk=fPath..'key'..FileNameExt Conn = db.connect{ api=db.MY_SQL, name='test@localhost', user='root', password=filter.aes.dec{ data=filter.base64.dec( readBinary(fn) ), key=readBinary(fk) } } SQL = 'SELECT * from oSIU' Conn:query(SQL) end function readBinary(fn) local f = io.open(fn, "rb") if (f) then local s=f:read("*all") f:close() return s end end
Both sample projects available for download; please remember to customize paths, password, and Key values. Comments welcome.