This example assumes frame will be read from file, but it can be easily modified to operate with frames already in RAM.
Assumed that file contains a frame from <STX> to <ETB>, or to <ETX>, but not both of’course.
First example below shows Hex D6 value returned as string for frame from <STX> to <ETX>.
Second example shows Hex 44 value returned as string for frame from <STX> to <ETB>.
Note: The hardcoded (-2) is to deduct <STX> value, as an example of how to exclude a specific character value from check digit (checksum.).
Code snippet below. Comments welcome.
function main() local fn='c:\\astmsample44' return string.format("%x", tostring((foo(fn))%256)):upper() end function foo(fn) local r=-2 local f = assert(, "rb")) local block = 10 while true do local bytes = f:read(block) if not bytes then return r end for b in string.gfind(bytes, ".") do r=string.byte(b)+r end end end