This question comes from time to time in support inquiries.
What if we have to add another comment, NTE segment, in 3rd position in block of 11 NTE segments?
Let’s take a message that has more than 4 ‘Orders’, and 4th ‘Order’ has more than 3 ‘Results’; and 3rd ‘Result’ has 11 comments (NTE segments.)
for j = #Out.Order[4].Result[3].NTE, 3, -1 do Out.Order[4].Result[3].NTE[j+1]=Out.Order[4].Result[3].NTE[j] Out.Order[4].Result[3].NTE[j+1][1]=j+1 end Out.Order[4].Result[3].NTE[3][3][1]='New comment'
The steps of processing can be clearly seen on below screen capture: