Getting a license after hours in an emergency

This is the most common after hours support emergency! Luckily it is easy to fix with a little preparation.

Everyone that administers Iguana should know how to access the Members account and activate a temporary seven day license code.

Note: If your account is paid up, you can contact support at and we’ll enable access to temporary seven day license codes which will be permanently available in your account. This means you can always get up and running quickly in an emergency.

How to activate a temporary license code

  1. Log in to your members account.
  2. Transfer the license directly within your members account (if you have the necessary permissions).
  3. Otherwise click Activate a Temporary License, to get a temporary seven day code:
    Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 15.58.05
  4. Enter your Iguana ID and a brief description of the code:
    Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 15.47.49
  5. Email support at, with the new Iguana ID and the old Iguana ID from your previous installation and request a license transfer.

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