Iguana Concepts

What is a Channel

Iguana uses Channels to transfer data. You can think of a Channel as a “pipeline” that directs your data flows from one location to another. Imagine that, inside the pipe, there are valves and filters to control and change the flow of information as it passes through. Well, channels work the same way!

Each channel is composed of three components:

  1. A Source Component: That reads/loads the data from its source.
  2. An optional Filter Component: That can be used to modify the data using a Lua script.
  3. A Destination Component: That forwards the information to its destination.

Note: Some Source and Destination components can also use scripts to process data.

When you create a new channel (or manage the properties of an existing channel), you will be presented with a properties screen. This screen contains four tabs that enable you set/update the channel properties:

  1. Channel tab: Global settings, name, logging level etc.
  2. Source tab: Source settings will vary depending on the chosen source type.
  3. Filter tab: Settings for the optional Filter component.
  4. Destination tab: Destination settings will vary depending on the destination type.

Here is the property screen for a new channel with the Filter tab selected:

Screen Shot 2014-06-03 at 14.26.58

Note: Before you can run a channel in the Dashboard you must save milestones for its scripts. By default channels run the the code from latest script milestone. This means that the unstable development code in the Translator Editor cannot be accidentally run in production.

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