How to fix an invalid license after an upgrade?


This can happen for various reasons, the solution is the same — you need to get an updated license code.

Usually it is because the Maintenance Expiry Date for the license has expired, or that a new Iguana ID was generated after the upgrade.

If the Maintenance Expiry Date for the license has expired, then the server will not start after the upgrade. Therefore it is recommended that you check it before upgrading.

Note: The license expiry date does not affect existing installations — it is only checked after an upgrade.

Issue [top]

Iguana will not start after an upgrade as the license code is no longer valid.

Cause [top]

The two most common causes are:

  1. The Maintenance Expiry Date for the license has expired.
  2. A new Iguana ID was generated after the upgrade.

Solution [top]

  1. Identify the issue:
    1. New Iguana ID: If a new Iguana ID was generated then the upgraded Iguana instance will ask for new license key when it starts.
    2. Maintenance Expiry Date: Check the Maintenance Expiry Date in Settings > Software License> Iguana ID & License Info:
      If the date is less than the the current date your server will not work after an upgrade (until a new license is obtained).
    3. Other issue.
  2. Log into your member account.
  3. Update your license:
    1. New Iguana ID:
      1. Activate a new license key.
      2. Or transfer a license key.
      3. Or activate a 7 day temporary license key — if no other license key is available.
    2. Maintenance Expiry Date:
      1. Edit the license and refresh the Maintenance Expiry Date:

        This will create a new license code that you will need to copy into the Iguana license settings.

      2. Activate a new license key.
      3. Or transfer a license key.
      4. Or activate a 7 day temporary license key — if no other license key is available.
    3. Other issue:
      1. Activate a new license key.
      2. Or transfer a license key.
      3. Or activate a 7 day temporary license key — if no other license key is available.
  4. If you had to use a temporary 7 day key then Contact support at to resolve the issue:

    Please include your Iguana ID and explain the issue.

Prevention [top]

  1. Maintenance Expiry Date:

    It is a good check the the maintenance expiry periodically to ensure it is current. If it is out of date you can Contact support at with your Iguana ID and request an updated license.code with a more recent date.

  2. A new Iguana ID was generated after the upgrade:

    Before upgrading Iguana you should be aware of the common reasons that the Iguana ID changes, see Why do I need a new License Code. Also when you are performing an upgrade you should ensure that you are able to log into your user account and activate a temporary license if it is needed.


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