How to recover from overwriting your default Iguana Service during a manual install


This can occur when you are installing multiple instances of Iguana on a single machine (particularly for the first time). There is no need for concern this is very easy to fix!

Issue [top]

How to recover from overwriting your default Iguana Service install during a manual install.

Solution [top]

It’s possible that you might make this mistake:

  1. Your default Iguana instance is usually installed in “C:\Program Files\iNTERFACEWARE\Iguana”:

    This is the default installation path for Windows when using the automatic installer.

  2. You accidentally overwrite the default service entry when doing a manual installation of Iguana:

    This will happen if you do a manual install without editing iguana_service.hdf to change the default service name.

  3. Now you will see a single Iguana service using the default name iNTERFACEWARE Iguana — but it is your new server installation:

    This happens because the iguana_service.hdf file (that you used to register the new service) used the default service name iNTERFACEWARE Iguana which has overwritten the original service.

    Iguana service

  4. As we said earlier this is very easy to fix:

    The old Iguana installation is still there on disk (nothing has been lost) we just need to fix the service.

To recover the Windows Service for the original Iguana Server:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Use the cd command to change to the install directory of your original installation:

    The install directory is usually “C:\Program Files\iNTERFACEWARE\Iguana” (which is the default installation path for the automatic installer) — or wherever your original Iguana was installed (if you changed the default during installation).

  3. Run the iguana_service --install command:

    This will recreate the Service entry for your original Iguana install.

  4. Now you will see a single Iguana service using the default name iNTERFACEWARE Iguana — but will be your original server installation.

The last thing you need to do is create the service for the new Iguana install:

  1. Use the command prompt to cd back into the directory of your new manually installed Iguana.
  2. Edit the iguana_service.hdf file to change the service name to something different from the original install.
  3. Register it as a service using iguana_service --install
  4. Now you will see a two Iguana services one is the original and the other is your new install:

How it Works [top]

If you do a manual install and do not update the service_name in the iguana_service.hdf file, then you will create a service using the default service name iNTERFACEWARE Iguana. If you already have an Iguana service that uses the same name (usually from accepting the defaults when using the automatic installer) then it will be overwritten.

Fixing the problem simply involves re-installing the original service — hence overwriting the “new” service with one using the original credentials. Then you also need to create a new service of a different name for your new installation (by following the steps described in the previous section).

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