Design your Interface Structure

Identify the Interface Structure


Types of Interface Structure [top]

There are two types of interface structure: Simple and Complex.

Simple Interface

Use a single channel to connect one source to one target.

Complex Interface

Use a channel pipeline to connect a single source to multiple targets. This consists of a single “source channel” that reads the from the message source, and then feeds multiple “destination channels” (one for each target).

Identify the Structure to Use [top]

Identifying the type is quite simple, just answer two questions and choose from the structures.


  1. How many Sources are you messages coming from?
  2. How many Targets are your messages going to?


Sources Targets Interface Type Channel Structure
1 1 Simple Single channel
1 Many Complex Channel pipeline
Many 1 Multiple simple interfaces Multiple single channels (one per source)
Many Many Multiple complex interfaces Multiple channel pipelines (one per source)

Advantages of Simple versus Complex Interface Structure [top]


  • Simplicity


  • Flexibility
  • Copy a single message source to multiple message targets
    Note: You could also use multiple Simple Interfaces, but this would need a multiple duplicate message sources, one for each interface.
  • Stop transmitting to all target systems by stopping the Pipeline Source channel
    Note: If you were using multiple Simple Interfaces you would need to stop every interface
  • You can continue reading and queueing messages while one or more target interfaces are stopped
    Note: This is not possible with Simple Interfaces, as any stopped interfaces will not be reading messages

The last point is actually a valid reason to consider a Complex Structure for a simple interface.

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