DLL symbols exported from iguana.exe

Running dumpbin /exports iguana.exe on for the 32 build gives this:

Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 9.00.30729.01
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file iguana.exe


  Section contains the following exports for iguana.exe

    00000000 characteristics
    52729F0D time date stamp Thu Oct 31 14:18:53 2013
        0.00 version
           1 ordinal base
         135 number of functions
         135 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

          1    0 002633D0 luaJIT_setmode = _luaJIT_setmode
          2    1 00229060 luaJIT_version_2_0_2 = _luaJIT_version_2_0_2
          3    2 0025C3E0 luaL_addlstring = _luaL_addlstring
          4    3 0025C490 luaL_addstring = _luaL_addstring
          5    4 0025C500 luaL_addvalue = _luaL_addvalue
          6    5 00236460 luaL_argerror = _luaL_argerror
          7    6 00234690 luaL_buffinit = _luaL_buffinit
          8    7 00237660 luaL_callmeta = _luaL_callmeta
          9    8 002370F0 luaL_checkany = _luaL_checkany
         10    9 00237280 luaL_checkinteger = _luaL_checkinteger
         11    A 0024BCE0 luaL_checklstring = _luaL_checklstring
         12    B 002371B0 luaL_checknumber = _luaL_checknumber
         13    C 0024BE10 luaL_checkoption = _luaL_checkoption
         14    D 0024BBB0 luaL_checkstack = _luaL_checkstack
         15    E 00237080 luaL_checktype = _luaL_checktype
         16    F 002375D0 luaL_checkudata = _luaL_checkudata
         17   10 002364F0 luaL_error = _luaL_error
         18   11 0025BBA0 luaL_execresult = _luaL_execresult
         19   12 0025BB10 luaL_fileresult = _luaL_fileresult
         20   13 0025BC50 luaL_findtable = _luaL_findtable
         21   14 002374F0 luaL_getmetafield = _luaL_getmetafield
         22   15 0026BC80 luaL_gsub = _luaL_gsub
         23   16 00273DC0 luaL_loadbuffer = _luaL_loadbuffer
         24   17 00273D80 luaL_loadbufferx = _luaL_loadbufferx
         25   18 00273D60 luaL_loadfile = _luaL_loadfile
         26   19 00273C20 luaL_loadfilex = _luaL_loadfilex
         27   1A 00273E00 luaL_loadstring = _luaL_loadstring
         28   1B 0023D950 luaL_newmetatable = _luaL_newmetatable
         29   1C 0025C670 luaL_newstate = _luaL_newstate
         30   1D 0025C030 luaL_openlib = _luaL_openlib
         31   1E 00262E00 luaL_openlibs = _luaL_openlibs
         32   1F 00237300 luaL_optinteger = _luaL_optinteger
         33   20 0024BD60 luaL_optlstring = _luaL_optlstring
         34   21 00237210 luaL_optnumber = _luaL_optnumber
         35   22 0025C3A0 luaL_prepbuffer = _luaL_prepbuffer
         36   23 0025C4C0 luaL_pushresult = _luaL_pushresult
         37   24 002496C0 luaL_ref = _luaL_ref
         38   25 0025C260 luaL_register = _luaL_register
         39   26 00263090 luaL_traceback = _luaL_traceback
         40   27 00236480 luaL_typerror = _luaL_typerror
         41   28 002346B0 luaL_unref = _luaL_unref
         42   29 002364A0 luaL_where = _luaL_where
         43   2A 00227610 lua_atpanic = _lua_atpanic
         44   2B 0022ACB0 lua_call = _lua_call
         45   2C 0024BB60 lua_checkstack = _lua_checkstack
         46   2D 0024B900 lua_close = _lua_close
         47   2E 0024C200 lua_concat = _lua_concat
         48   2F 0023DBD0 lua_cpcall = _lua_cpcall
         49   30 0024C0B0 lua_createtable = _lua_createtable
         50   31 0023EE50 lua_dump = _lua_dump
         51   32 0022A490 lua_equal = _lua_equal
         52   33 00227630 lua_error = _lua_error
         53   34 0024C2A0 lua_gc = _lua_gc
         54   35 0022AD50 lua_getallocf = _lua_getallocf
         55   36 0022A950 lua_getfenv = _lua_getfenv
         56   37 00237450 lua_getfield = _lua_getfield
         57   38 002290D0 lua_gethook = _lua_gethook
         58   39 00229100 lua_gethookcount = _lua_gethookcount
         59   3A 002290E0 lua_gethookmask = _lua_gethookmask
         60   3B 0023D560 lua_getinfo = _lua_getinfo
         61   3C 00235CD0 lua_getlocal = _lua_getlocal
         62   3D 0022A8D0 lua_getmetatable = _lua_getmetatable
         63   3E 00228D10 lua_getstack = _lua_getstack
         64   3F 002373F0 lua_gettable = _lua_gettable
         65   40 0022A1F0 lua_gettop = _lua_gettop
         66   41 0022A9C0 lua_getupvalue = _lua_getupvalue
         67   42 0022A260 lua_insert = _lua_insert
         68   43 0022A370 lua_iscfunction = _lua_iscfunction
         69   44 0022A3A0 lua_isnumber = _lua_isnumber
         70   45 0022A3F0 lua_isstring = _lua_isstring
         71   46 0022A420 lua_isuserdata = _lua_isuserdata
         72   47 00237120 lua_lessthan = _lua_lessthan
         73   48 00273C00 lua_load = _lua_load
         74   49 00273B80 lua_loadx = _lua_loadx
         75   4A 0023D7F0 lua_newstate = _lua_newstate
         76   4B 0024C130 lua_newthread = _lua_newthread
         77   4C 0024C180 lua_newuserdata = _lua_newuserdata
         78   4D 00237580 lua_next = _lua_next
         79   4E 00237390 lua_objlen = _lua_objlen
         80   4F 0022ACE0 lua_pcall = _lua_pcall
         81   50 0022A780 lua_pushboolean = _lua_pushboolean
         82   51 0024C010 lua_pushcclosure = _lua_pushcclosure
         83   52 0024BFE0 lua_pushfstring = _lua_pushfstring
         84   53 0022A750 lua_pushinteger = _lua_pushinteger
         85   54 0022A7C0 lua_pushlightuserdata = _lua_pushlightuserdata
         86   55 0024BEE0 lua_pushlstring = _lua_pushlstring
         87   56 0022A6D0 lua_pushnil = _lua_pushnil
         88   57 0022A700 lua_pushnumber = _lua_pushnumber
         89   58 0024BF40 lua_pushstring = _lua_pushstring
         90   59 0022A7F0 lua_pushthread = _lua_pushthread
         91   5A 0022A2D0 lua_pushvalue = _lua_pushvalue
         92   5B 0024BFB0 lua_pushvfstring = _lua_pushvfstring
         93   5C 0022A450 lua_rawequal = _lua_rawequal
         94   5D 0022A830 lua_rawget = _lua_rawget
         95   5E 0022A870 lua_rawgeti = _lua_rawgeti
         96   5F 0023DB10 lua_rawset = _lua_rawset
         97   60 0022AAF0 lua_rawseti = _lua_rawseti
         98   61 0022A200 lua_remove = _lua_remove
         99   62 00236FA0 lua_replace = _lua_replace
        100   63 0023BC40 lua_resume = _lua_resume
        101   64 0022AD70 lua_setallocf = _lua_setallocf
        102   65 0022AB60 lua_setfenv = _lua_setfenv
        103   66 0023DA70 lua_setfield = _lua_setfield
        104   67 00229070 lua_sethook = _lua_sethook
        105   68 00228CC0 lua_setlocal = _lua_setlocal
        106   69 002635C0 lua_setmetatable = _lua_setmetatable
        107   6A 0023DA00 lua_settable = _lua_settable
        108   6B 00243E30 lua_settop = _lua_settop
        109   6C 0022AC00 lua_setupvalue = _lua_setupvalue
        110   6D 0022A1E0 lua_status = _lua_status
        111   6E 0022A5F0 lua_toboolean = _lua_toboolean
        112   6F 0022A610 lua_tocfunction = _lua_tocfunction
        113   70 0022A580 lua_tointeger = _lua_tointeger
        114   71 0024BC60 lua_tolstring = _lua_tolstring
        115   72 0022A530 lua_tonumber = _lua_tonumber
        116   73 0022A690 lua_topointer = _lua_topointer
        117   74 0022A670 lua_tothread = _lua_tothread
        118   75 0022A640 lua_touserdata = _lua_touserdata
        119   76 0022A310 lua_type = _lua_type
        120   77 0022A360 lua_typename = _lua_typename
        121   78 0022AA50 lua_upvalueid = _lua_upvalueid
        122   79 0022AA80 lua_upvaluejoin = _lua_upvaluejoin
        123   7A 0024BC00 lua_xmove = _lua_xmove
        124   7B 002376C0 lua_yield = _lua_yield
        125   7C 0026BFA0 luaopen_base = _luaopen_base
        126   7D 0026D1C0 luaopen_bit = _luaopen_bit
        127   7E 0026D190 luaopen_debug = _luaopen_debug
        128   7F 0026D5C0 luaopen_ffi = _luaopen_ffi
        129   80 0026C1A0 luaopen_io = _luaopen_io
        130   81 0026D300 luaopen_jit = _luaopen_jit
        131   82 0026C050 luaopen_math = _luaopen_math
        132   83 0026C250 luaopen_os = _luaopen_os
        133   84 0026CC30 luaopen_package = _luaopen_package
        134   85 0026C0F0 luaopen_string = _luaopen_string
        135   86 0026C170 luaopen_table = _luaopen_table


       A9000 .data
        3000 .idata
      244000 .rdata
        1000 .rsrc
      AFB000 .text