I’ve been having a few chats with customers who are curious about exporting files from a Translator instance to various places like another fossil repository or another third party source code control system.
We have plans to support some of that built into Iguana but we’d also like to provide the ability for customers to extend the Iguana GUI itself using Lua.
So as a quick proof of concept I wrote a module which checks out the Fossil repository and returns a table object containing all the data for a Translator instance’s files. It’s quite easy to do since the Translator is built on open standard based code.
This shows it’s usage pulling code a From Translator instance that has some code pulling a RSS feed from CNN:
Here is the code to copy:
-- NOTE: this code requires <your channel> to use a "From Translator" Source -- if you use repo.TO <your channel> must use a "To Translator" Destination local repo = require 'repo' function main(Data) local A = repo.ExtractChannel( '<your channel name>', 'c:temp', repo.FROM) trace(A.main) trace(A.shared.node) local R = 'Shared modules:' for Shared in pairs(A.shared) do R = R..', '..Shared end trace(R) end
It shows that with a little bit of creativity what is possible to do with the Translator using it to process Iguana’s own configuration files. This code could be used as the basis of exporting the Translator code into another source code control system.
The third argument is the type of Translator instance:
Script Type | Description |
repo.FROM | From Translator instance |
repo.TO | To Translator instance |
repo.FILTER | Filter Translator instance |
repo.ACK | Translator instance for handling ACKnowledgments in an LLP listener component |
See documentation on the layout of the repository.
local repo = {} local function Exec(Command) local F = io.popen(Command) local R = F:read('*a') F:close() return R end local function ReadFile(FileName) local F = io.open(FileName) local X = F:read("*all") F:close() return X end local function WriteFile(FileName, Content) local F = io.open(FileName, "w") F:write(Content) F:close() end local function GetSharedFile(FileName) return ReadFile('edit/admin/shared/'..FileName..'.lua') end local function GetOtherFile(FileName) return ReadFile('edit/admin/other/'..FileName) end function node.getChannel(C, Name) for i=1,#C.iguana_config.channel_config do local Chan = C.iguana_config.channel_config[i] if Chan.name:nodeValue() == Name then return Chan end end return nil end function ExportFossil(TempDir, ExportDir) os.execute('cd "'..TempDir..'" & mkdir "'..ExportDir..'"') local A = Exec('cd') A = A:gsub('\n', '') A = A:gsub('/', '\\') os.execute('cd "'..TempDir..ExportDir..'\\" & "'..A..'\\fossil" open "'..A..'\\vcs_repo.sqlite"') end local function CleanFossil(TempDir, ExportDir) os.execute('rmdir /s /q '.. TempDir..ExportDir) end repo.FROM = 1 repo.TO = 2 repo.FILTER = 3 repo.ACK = 4 function ScriptGuid(ScriptType, ChannelName, Config) if ScriptType == repo.TO then return Config:getChannel(ChannelName).to_mapper.guid:nodeValue() end if ScriptType == repo.FROM then return Config:getChannel(ChannelName).from_mapper.guid:nodeValue() end if ScriptType == repo.FILTER then return Config:getChannel(ChannelName).message_filter.translator_guid:nodeValue() end if ScriptType == repo.ACK then return Config:getChannel(ChannelName).llp_listener.ack_script:nodeValue() end end function repo.ExtractChannel(ChannelName, TempDir, ScriptType) if not ScriptType then ScriptType = repo.TO end local EDir = 'export' CleanFossil(TempDir, EDir) ExportFossil(TempDir, EDir) local Root = TempDir .. EDir..'\\' local X = ReadFile('IguanaConfiguration.xml') X = xml.parse{data=X} local Guid = ScriptGuid(ScriptType, ChannelName, X) local Result={shared={}, other={}} Result.main = ReadFile(Root..Guid..'\\main.lua') local Project = ReadFile(Root..Guid..'/project.prj') print(Project) Project=json.parse{data=Project} Result.project = Project print(Result.project.Name) for i=1,#Project.LuaDependencies do print(Project.LuaDependencies[i]) local Code = GetSharedFile(Project.LuaDependencies[i]) Result.shared[Project.LuaDependencies[i]] = Code end for i=1,#Project.OtherDependencies do print(Project.OtherDependencies[i]) local Code = GetOtherFile(Project.OtherDependencies[i]) Result.other[Project.OtherDependencies[i]] = Code end CleanFossil(TempDir, EDir) return Result end return repo