Using the genDb.lua module (code at the bottom of the page).
Note: This code is only a proof-of-concept only so we did not put it in the code repository.
This article shows how to generate a create table script from an HL7 message.
The code parses an HL7 message and generates a table for each Segment. The SQL for creating the tables is saved in a text file with a .sql extension. The database structure produced is far from ideal, and needs to be tweaked. I suggest adding a table that flags elements as tables, and maps them to (better) table names.
Using the module is simple, just a single function call – with the file name, and the parsed HL7 message as parameters:
Note: do not add a file extension to the file name
Source Code
Here is the source code for the genDb module. To use it:
- Create a new shared module called “genDb ” and copy paste in the code below.
- Add the code require(‘genDb ‘) at the top of the main module.
- Test using sample data.
Code for main:
require "genDb" function main(Data) local msg, Name = hl7.parse{vmd = 'demo.vmd', data = Data} local SQL = genDb.genDbScript(msg,[[C:\Program Files\iNTERFACEWARE\Iguana\hl7doc\CreateDb]]) print(SQL) end
Code for genDb module:
genDb={} TblInfo={} function genDb.genDbScript(Msg,File) local T=genDb.parseMsg(Msg) local S='-- Generated table creation script\n' S=genDb.makeDbScript(T,S,0) S=S:sub(1,-4)..'\n);' genDb.writeFile(File..'.sql',S) return S end function genDb.makeDbScript(Tree,Script,Level,TblName) if Level==0 then if Tree.type~='segment_group'and Tree.type~='segment_repeating' and Tree.type~='message' then' ','') TblName=genDb.delSymbols(TblName) TblInfo[TblName]={} --Script=Script..'\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' --Script=Script..TblName..';\n\t' Script=Script..'\nCREATE TABLE ' Script=Script..TblName..'\n(\n\t' end else if Tree.type=='segment'then -- WARNING - condition depends on string format if Script:sub(-1,-1)=='\t' then Script=Script:sub(1,-4)..'\n);\n\n' end' ','') TblName=genDb.delSymbols(TblName) TblInfo[TblName]={} --Script=Script..'\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' --Script=Script..TblName..';\n\t' Script=Script..'\nCREATE TABLE ' Script=Script..TblName..'\n(\n\t' else if TblName then local' ','') F=genDb.delSymbols(F) if TblInfo[TblName][F]then F=Tree.parentname..'_'..F end Script=Script..F..' VARCHAR(255),\n\t' TblInfo[TblName][F]=true end end end Level=Level+1 for i in genDb.pairsByNumKeys(Tree) do Script=genDb.makeDbScript(Tree[i],Script,Level,TblName) end return Script end function genDb.writeFile(Name, Content) io.output(Name) io.write(Content) io.close() end function genDb.parseMsg(Msg,Doc,CompName,ParentName) if Doc == nil then -- root node Doc ={} Doc.type=Msg:nodeType() Doc.number=1 Doc.compname=Msg:nodeName():gsub(' ','') Doc.value=Msg:S() Doc.sub=true if #Msg~=0 then genDb.parseMsg(Msg,Doc,Doc.compname,' ','')) end else for i=1, #Msg do if genDb.isFieldPresent(Msg[i]) then Doc[i]={} Doc[i].type=Msg[i]:nodeType() Doc[i].number=i Doc[i].name=Msg[i]:nodeName() Doc[i].compname=CompName..'_'..Msg[i]:nodeName():gsub(' ','') Doc[i].parentname=ParentName Doc[i].value=Msg[i]:S() if #(Msg[i])~=0 then Doc[i].sub=true genDb.parseMsg(Msg[i],Doc[i],Doc[i].compname,Doc[i].name:gsub(' ','')) else Doc[i].sub=false end end end end return Doc end function genDb.isFieldPresent(Field) if Field:isNull() then return false else return true end end function genDb.SegmentFilter(Segment, SegName) if Segment:nodeName() == SegName then return true end return false end function genDb.delSymbols(String) -- brackets and escape used for chars that have special meaning to gsub() function local C={'-','/','~','\\','@','#',[[\$]],[[\%]],[[\^]],'&','*',[[\(]],[[\)]],'|','=','+','?','\t'} for i,v in ipairs(C) do String=String:gsub(C[i],'_') end return String end -- iterator sorts numbers and ignores non-numeric keys function genDb.pairsByNumKeys(t, f) local a = {} for n,v in pairs(t) do if tonumber(n) then table.insert(a, n) end end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end function node.S(ANode) return tostring(ANode) end
Possible modifications:
- Add a table with extra information to tweak the database structure
- Mark elements to be generated as tables
- Map elements to be generated as tables to (better) table names
- The current code creates a SQL script for a single HL7 message only, you may want to tweak the code to parse multiple messages. This would enable it to generate fields for optional data (not found in all messages)
- Automatically import data
- Generate code to map HL7 data to the generated table structure, and save to file.
- Use the generated mappings as the basis for another channel to import the data
- If possible use
to to directly execute the generated mapping code - Connect to the database and run the table create script automatically
- NOTE: Drop table statements were in included in the script (for testing) and then commented out