Windows install instructions

Manual Install Instructions


  1. Download the manual install (zip) file for the latest Iguana release.
  2. Make sure you use an account with Administrator privileges.
  3. If you are upgrading:
    • As a precaution you should copy the Iguana configuration files.
      • vcs_repo.sqlite
      • IguanaConfiguration.xml
      • Note: This is a precautionary measure as the manual install does not include these files, so they will not be overwritten during the upgrade process. However it is wise to have copies in case of problems.
    • If you have changed the Iguana Service Name then you will need to copy the iguana_service.hdf file.
      Note: When you install multiple Iguana instances on one machine they must use different service names.

      Tip: If you you accidentally overwrite this file you can recover by editing it as per the instructions in the Installation FAQs “How to recover from overwriting your default Iguana install with a manual one”.

    • Optionally you can copy the log files, see how to backup and restore Iguana.

      Tip: The simplest way to copy the configuration (and log) files is to copy the complete Iguana install directory.

      If anything goes wrong just delete the (upgraded) original directory and revert to the (non-upgraded) copy.

  4. Choose an install directory for Iguana, for example:
    • C:\Program Files\iNTERFACEWARE\Iguana_server1
    • G:\Iguana\Server1

      Note: Iguana can run from any location (with write permission), but usually you will want to install it in your windows program files directory.

  5. Unpack the zip file into the install directory.
  6. If you are upgrading:
    • Check that the configuration files in the install directory match the copies from step 1.
    • If they are different or missing then use the copies.
  7. Set the Iguana Web Server Port.
    • By default Iguana listens on port 6543.
    • If this port is used by another instance or application, Iguana will not start. To resolve this:
  8. Optional: Change the logs directory:
    • It is best practice to put Iguana’s logs on their own device (particularly for busy servers).
    • To change the log directory edit the configuration file IguanaConfiguration.xml:
      • Usually in the install directory (i.e., C:\Program Files\iNTERFACEWARE\Iguana).
      • Change the log_directory entry to the new log directory.
    • For more information see manual install best practices and log settings.
  9. Optional: Test Iguana by running it manually:
    • Use a command line prompt within the install directory.
    • Type iguana --run
    • If Iguana does not start you know there is a port conflict.
  10. Install Iguana as a service:
    • Edit iguana_service.hdf to change the service_name=<new name> and (optionally) other parameters.

      Warning! any Iguana service with same name will be overwritten. You can recover from unintentionally overwriting another Iguana service.

    • Run iguana_service --install from the command line.
    • Start the service from Services administration or using net start <service name>
  11. Run Iguana:
    • Use a web browser to connect to http://localhost:6543/ (or the port you chose earlier).
  12. Register Iguana.
  13. If the install.log file cannot be found just create an identically named empty text file and re-run the installer.
  14. If you upgraded Iguana you should refresh the browser cache, usually F5 is enough.

If you are upgrading Iguana


  • Check your system meets the basic requirements
  • Do not use SMB file shares for Iguana’s log files, this includes Samba and Windows Network shares


Installing Chameleon

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