Keep VMD updated

This feature was added in version 6.1 of Iguana.


When this feature is enabled Iguana will track VMD file changes for legacy components using Git source control.

How it Works [top]

This feature works for legacy components that use VMD files:

  • From DB
  • To DB
  • From LLP (VMD custom ACKs)
  • To LLP (VMD Ack verification)
  • Legacy Filters

When Keep VMD Updated is enabled

Iguana tracks the VMD using the built in Git source control

  1. When the channel starts the VMD file is read directly from the disk location specified in the channel properties.
  2. The VMD file is compared to the version in source control.
  3. If the file is different the version in source control is updated.
  4. Iguana uses the VMD file stored in source control.

When Keep VMD Updated is disabled

Iguana does not track the VMD using the built in Git source control

  1. The VMD file is read directly from the disk location specified in the channel properties.
  2. Iguana uses the VMD file it reads from disk.

Improved Workflow for editing VMD files

This allows for simpler developer workflows for editing VMD file with Chameleon:

  1. Edit the VMD file in Chameleon.
  2. Save the changes in Chameleon.
  3. Restart the affected channel to load the changed VMD file.

Warning: If you edit a VMD file for a component that does not have Keep VMD Updated enabled. Then you must stop the channel before updating the VMD file.

If you make changes to the VMD file while Iguana is running then Iguana will read the updated file and may behave unexpectedly.

Examples [top]

When you are editing any of the legacy components (listed above) you will see a Track VMD Changes check box:

Here are examples for a From Database and a legacy Filter component, all legacy components have the exact same checkbox:

From Database:

Legacy Filter:

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