Viewing Channel Errors
Error and Warning icons flag channels for quick identification of problems. The Errors column shows you how many errors and allows you to view error/warning details, administrators can also clear errors and warnings.
Error and warning icons
The error and warning icons in the Dashboard allow to immediately see when errors or warnings have occurred:
Icon | Meaning |
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This icon indicates a warning, although the channel will continue to run. |
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When this icon is red, an error has occurred and the channel will not run. |
The most common issues flagged by these new icons are commit-related:
This is a great way to ensure that your milestones are up to date!
These icons also flag other kinds of errors:
You may also encounter them when creating/editing channels:
Clearing Channel Errors [top]
Iguana allows you to clear and mark errors from multiple channels using a single operation. To clear and mark errors from multiple channels:
- For each channel that you want to clear and mark errors, select the check box to the left of the Start button:
- Or, you can select the check box in the heading row to select all of the channels on the Dashboard:
- From the Channel Actions list box, select Clear/Mark Channel Errors to clear and mark the channel errors. (See Marking an Error for details on marking channel errors.) A status indicator at the lower left of the dashboard notifies you when the update is complete.
Note: If you are not a member of any role that has Edit permissions for the channel group to which the channel belongs, you are not allowed to clear channel queues. See Roles for more information.
Clearing Channel Queues [top]
From the Dashboard, if one or more channels have messages waiting to be processed, you can clear some or all of these message queues.
To clear message queues from the Dashboard:
- From the Dashboard, in the leftmost column, select one or more check boxes. These indicate the channels whose message queues are to be cleared.
- From the list box at the bottom left of the screen, select Clear Channel Queue(s):
- A screen appears, asking you to type your password to confirm that you want to clear the message queues:
- In the Password field, type the password that you use to log in to Iguana.
- Click Submit.
- The selected channels now have their message queues cleared.
Tip: You cannot clear a channel’s message queue if the channel is running.
Note: If you are not a member of any role that has Edit permissions for the channel group to which the channel belongs, you are not allowed to clear channel queues. See Roles for more information.
Channel Properties [top]
The Channel Properties page allows you to change the Start Automatically setting and the Logging Level for all channels displayed in the Dashboard.
Note: If you are not a member of any role that has Edit permissions for the channel group to which the channel belongs, you cannot set any of the properties that are displayed on the Channel Properties screen.
To access the Channel Properties page:
- Click a Properties link in a Channel Info column in the Server panel (bottom Dashboard panel):
Tip: If the Channel Info column is hidden, you can use View Options to display it. See Specify Columns to View.
- The Channel Properties window appears:
- To view the Channel Configuration settings for a channel, click its name in the Channel column.
- To start a channel automatically whenever the Iguana server is started, enable the Start Automatically check box for that channel.
Note: This flag can be edited without having the stop and start the channel.
- To start all channels when the server is started, select the check box in the Start Automatically column heading.
- To change the logging level for a channel, select an option from the Logging Level list box for that channel. For more information, see Changing the Logging Level.
- To change the logging level for all channels, select an option from the list box in the Logging Level column heading.
- Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen to commit your edits: