

This section outlines common errors that can occur when upgrading to encrypted logs, and gives possible solutions.

If you have any other issues please contact us at

Note: Following the install or upgrade procedures carefully should avoid most problems.

Using Settings to Upgrade [top]

Using the Iguana settings (Iguana ID & License Info) to change from a Base tier to an Enterprise/Professional tier license does not work. If you attempt this you get an error message explaining the issue and the solution.



Iguana cannot upgrade existing unencrypted logs. Encrypted logging creates a new set of encrypted logs from scratch. Because Iguana does not support encrypted and unencrypted logs on the same server, it means that the old (unencrypted) logs must be removed before upgrading.


Follow the upgrade procedure — in particular the first five steps.

Tip: You will get a similar message if you use the Iguana settings to try changing from an Enterprise/Professional a Base tier license:

Using Unencrypted Logs [top]

If during the upgrade process you remove the IguanaLicense file but omit removing the old unencrypted logs folder — then Iguana will not be able to create the new encrypted log files. If you attempt this you get an error message explaining the issue and the solution.


Initially you will get an explanatory error, if you try to navigate elsewhere in Iguana you will get a panic mode screen.

Initial explanatory error:

Panic mode screen:


Iguana does not support encrypted and unencrypted logs on the same server, it means that the old (unencrypted) logs must be removed before completing the upgrade.


Remove the unencrypted logs directory (steps 2-4 in the upgrade procedure), then restart the server. Now you should be able to the encryption locker file (step 11 in the upgrade procedure).

  1. Upgrade step 2: Stop Iguana.
  2. Upgrade step 3: Backup the logs directory.
  3. Upgrade step 4: Delete the logs directory.
  4. Restart the server.
  5. Upgrade step 11:Create the encryption locker file
    • Enter your Log Locker Password
    • Click Create

Restoring Unencrypted Logs [top]

If for any reason unencrypted logs are moved into the logs folder with existing encrypted logs — then Iguana will not be able to start. This could occur if unencrypted logs are restored from a backup by mistake. If this occurs you will get an error message explaining the issue and the solution. This is the same error condition as immediately above but this occurs when unlocking an existing locker file (whereas the previous error was when creating a new locker).


Initially you will get an explanatory error, if you try to navigate elsewhere in Iguana you will get a panic mode screen.
: This is the same error  (and panic mode screen) as for Using Unencrypted Logs immediately above.

Initial explanatory error:

Panic mode screen:


Iguana does not support encrypted and unencrypted logs on the same server, it means that the old (unencrypted) logs must be removed before Iguana can start.


The solution is to stop Iguana and remove the unencrypted log files from the log directory.

Unencrypted log files were copied into the log directory:

  1. Stop Iguana.
  2. Delete the unencrypted log files.
  3. Start Iguana.

The complete log directory was replaced with an unencrypted backup:

  1. Stop Iguana.
  2. Restore the encrypted log directory from backup.
  3. Start Iguana.

Note: If there is no backup of the encrypted log directory you can just delete the logs directory and restart. Unfortunately in this case any encrypted log files that existed will be lost.

Upgrade pre 6.1 Iguana [top]

An Enterprise/Professional license requires Iguana version 6.1 or higher. Therefore using an Enterprise/Professional license with an earlier version of Iguana does not work. As a result if you attempt this you get an error message explaining that the license is incompatible.



Enterprise/Professional licenses are incompatible with Iguana before version 6.1.


The solution is to use a Base tier license instead.

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