Message View Modes
- Choosing the View Mode
- Viewing Message Segments
- Viewing generated Tables
- Viewing generated SQL Statements
Choosing the View Mode [top]
When you are viewing a log message, you can select the view mode that you want to use. To select a view mode, click the arrow at the right of the button. A menu appears that displays the view mode options that are available to you:
The list of available options depends on the type of log message that you are displaying. The following table lists the options that may be provided.
Button | View Mode | Description |
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Hex-dump | View the log message in hexadecimal format. Non-displayable characters are highlighted in the following colors:
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Plain-text | View the log message in text format. |
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Segment View | View the segments that are defined in this message. This view mode is available only if this message is of type Message. (For more information, see Viewing Segments of a Logged Message. |
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Segment Grammar View | View the segments in the segment grammar of the message definition that processed this message. This view mode is available only if this is a message that was processed by a channel whose destination component is To Database. (For more information, see Viewing Segments of a Logged Message. |
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Table View (Graphical) | Parse the message and view the generated tables in graphical format. This view mode is available only if this is a message that was processed by a channel whose destination component is To Database. (For more information, see Viewing Table Data Generated From a Message.) |
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Table View (Plain-text) | Parse the message and view the generated tables in text format. This view mode is available only if this is a message that was processed by a channel whose destination component is To Database. (For more information, see Viewing Table Data Generated From a Message.) |
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SQL View | Parse the message and view the SQL statements that add this message to the database. This view mode is available only if this is a message that was processed by a channel whose destination component is To Database. (For more information, see Viewing the Generated SQL Statements.) |
Viewing Message Segments [top]
For any message that has been logged by Iguana, you can view detailed segment information. In addition, if the message was generated by a channel whose destination component is To Database, you can view the segment grammar of the message definition that matched the message. (This message definition can be found in the VMD file that is specified in the channel.)
To view detailed segment information for a message:
- From Iguana, click the Logs tab.
- In the logs, locate the message that you want to examine, and click it. Detailed information on the log message is displayed:
- Select Segment View from the view mode drop-down menu:
- The Logs screen now displays the message segments, as shown below:
- To view the field names for a segment, and the values which they contain, click anywhere on the segment to expand it:
- If a field has subfields, you can click anywhere on a field to expand it and view its subfields. When a segment or field has been expanded, click on it again to hide the expansion.
- If Iguana detects any errors or warnings, they are displayed in a panel at the bottom of the screen. To hide the warnings, unselect the Show Warnings check box:
Note: If a VMD file has been specified for the channel through which this message was sent, the segment field names are retrieved from the segment definitions specified in the VMD file.
If no VMD file has been specified, segment field names are obtained from the segment definitions in the HL7_2.6.vmd library VMD file.
The HL7_2.6.vmd library file is included with your Iguana installation, and is stored in the Libraries subdirectory of the directory in which Iguana is installed.
If the message that you are viewing was generated by a channel whose destination uses a legacy To Database component, you can view the segment grammar of the message definition that matched the message, and you can view the segments in this grammar.
- To view the segment grammar and its segments, select Segment Grammar View from the view mode drop-down menu. The segment grammar is displayed:
- As in the Segment View, you can click anywhere on a segment to expand/contract it:
- To view the complete segment grammar, click Show Complete Grammar. This displays the empty segments that are part of the message grammar (the same as “Show Empty Nodes” for annotations):
Viewing generated Tables [top]
If an HL7 message has been logged for a channel that has To Database as its destination component, you can parse the message and examine the database table entries that have been generated for it. These table entries can be displayed in graphical or text format.
To view table data generated from an HL7 message:
- From Iguana, click the Logs tab.
- In the logs, locate the message that you want to examine, and click it. Detailed information on the log message is displayed:
- To parse the message and display the tables in graphical format, select Table View (Graphical) from the view mode drop-down menu:
When you select this view mode, Iguana uses the VMD file that you defined when you configured the To Database component of the channel to parse the message and determine which message definition was matched. The left panel of the Logs screen displays this matched message definition, along with the table grammar for the message definition.
In this example, the message definition is named ADT, and its table grammar consists of two tables, Patient and Kin.
To view the data generated for a table.
- Click its name. The data is then displayed in the right panel of the Logs screen:
If more than one row of table data has been generated from a message, you can view the row location for a specific row. - To view this information, click a Row Location link:
In this example the second Row Location link was clicked. The Grammar Information window indicates that this line of data is the second kin table row generated from the message.
Note: The row numbering starts from zero, i.e., the first row is labelled Row 0, the second is labelled Row 1, and so on. - To parse the message and display the tables in text format, select Table View (Plain-text) from the view mode drop-down menu. The table data is displayed in text format:
- When you have finished viewing the table data, click Close (top right) to revert to displaying the list of log messages.
You can also parse any message from a Source Channel as a database table, using the table definitions in a Destination Channel that uses a To Database destination component. If there are multiple Destination Channels, then you can choose which table definitions to use (see screenshots below).
Note: A Source Channel forwards data to other channels by using a To Channel destination component. A Destination Channel receives data from other channels by using a From Channel source component.
For example:
- Data is sent through a Source Channel named llp_to_channel
- A Destination Channel named channel_to_db uses a To Database destination component
- If channel_to_db uses llp_to_channel as its Source Channel
- Then you can use the database tables definitions in channel_to_db to parse the message sent through llp_to_channel
Note: The table definitions are in the VMD file specified in the To Database component.
Here is an llp_to_channel message parsed using the table definitions in channel_to_db:
If we add a second Destination Channel then we can choose which table definitions to use.
For example:
- A second Destination Channel named channel_to_db_2 uses a To Database destination component
- If channel_to_db_2 also uses llp_to_channel and as its Source Channel
- Then you can choose the table definition from channel_to_db or channel_to_db_2
Here is an llp_to_channel message showing the choice from a drop-down menu:
Viewing generated SQL Statements [top]
If an HL7 message has been logged for a channel that has To Database as its destination component, you can view the SQL statements that were generated to add the message to the database.
To view the generated SQL statements:
- From Iguana, click the Logs tab.
- In the logs, locate the message that you want to examine, and click it. Detailed information on the log message is displayed:
- To view the generated messages, choose SQL View from the menu:
- The generated SQL statements are displayed in the browser window, and are colorized to make them easier to read:
- Use
to turn line wrapping on or off.