Install Procedure

Added in Iguana version 6.1 for Enterprise and Professional tiers only.


This page documents how to do a fresh install for an Iguana server that will be using encrypted logs.

The install follows the standard process until you choose the the license type. After choosing an Enterprise or Professional license some extra setup information is required for the encrypted logging.

We strongly recommend that you review the other documents in this section before performing this install procedure.

Install Procedure [top]

Follow these steps:

  1. Install Iguana Server version 6.1 or higher.
  2. Start the Iguana Server if required.
  3. Register Iguana.
    • Register Iguana – Step 3: Omit step 3do not use a temporary license
      Note: If you do choose a temporary license you will need to upgrade or re-install
    • Register Iguana – Step 4: Click the Retrieve License button
    • Register Iguana – Step 4: Activate or transfer an Enterprise or Professional license
    • Register Iguana – Step 4: Click Activate inside Iguana
      Note: You can always copy/paste the license code manually if necessary
    • Registration should now be complete
  4. Now you will need to create the Log Encryption Locker file.

    Tip: This is a one-time process when you Register an Enterprise/Professional license, this occurs when you do one of the following:

    • A fresh install and choose an Enterprise/Professional license
    • An upgrade to an Enterprise/Professional license
    • If you change from one Enterprise/Professional license to a different Enterprise/Professional license
      Note: This follows the same process as an upgrade
  5. You screen should now look similar to this:
  6. Click the Create Log Encryption Locker button.
  7. In the Initialize Log Encryption Locker screen:
    • If you wish to unlock an existing (shared) locker go directly to step 8
    • Choose the Log Locker Directory — default is the Iguana working directory
      Note: This can be changed at Iguana startup, but not in the Log Encryption settings
    • Enter your Log Locker Password
      Note: This can be changed at any time in the Iguana Log Encryption settings
    • Optional: Select Enable Auto-unlock
      Note: This can be changed at any time in the Iguana Log Encryption settings
    • Click Create

      Warning: It is critical not to forget the encryption locker password!

      If the locker password is lost then you will not be able to open the locker file — which means you will lose access to all historical (encrypted) logs. There is no alternative method to recover the logs.

      We recommend storing the password securely in at least two places, for example: One encrypted copy on a different physical device from the Iguana Server, and a second hard copy in a safe.

  8. Alternatively you can unlock an existing (shared) locker file:
    Note: To understand how this works, see Sharing a Locker File

    • Omit this step if you performed step 7
    • Copy the existing (shared) locker file to the Log Locker Directory
      : You may also copy the associated unlocker file (if it exists), but it is not necessary as you can easily enable Auto-Unlock in the Log Encryption settings
    • Get the password for the existing (shared) locker file
    • Choose the Unlock Existing tab
    • Choose the Log Locker Directory that you copied the shared locker file to
      Note: This can be changed at Iguana startup, but not in the Log Encryption settings
    • Enter your Log Locker Password
      Note: This can be changed at any time in the Iguana Log Encryption settings
    • Click Unlock
  9. Optional: Select Enable Auto-unlock in the Iguana Log Encryption settings
  10. The install process is now complete.

More Information [top]