CDA documents rely on codes that the health system uses to express medical concepts. These codes can represent actions, roles, gender, etc.
These functions add/update the codes used in your CDA document:
- code.add : Add a new code element to your CDA document
- code.set : Update an existing code element in your CDA document
- code.originalText.add : Add a new text element to an existing code element
add() [top]
Usage: cda.code.add{target=<{PARENT}>, element=<ELEMENT>, system=<CODESYSTEM>, value=<DISPLAYNAME>, lookup=<{LOOKUPTABLE}>, datatype=<CODETYPE>}
Add a code and its associated code system to identify a specific concept (such as a medication or a family of disorders). Includes a lookup feature that searches tables to set the values of the other arguments. These tables are defined in the cda.codeset module.
- A parsed tree representing the populated XML element
Required parameters:
- target:The parent tag under which you wish to add the new element
- element: The specific name of the tag you are creating
Optional parameters:
- system: The OID of the code system. These can be found in the table (defined in the cda.codeset module).
- value: The coded value usually obtained from the relevant codeset table
- lookup: A table to give the display string of the coded value
- datatype: The type of the data stored in the resulting XML element, typically CD
cda.code.add{target=P, element='administrativeGenderCode',["HL7 AdministrativeGender"],, lookup=cda.code.sexTable}
Example Result:
<administrativeGenderCode code="F" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1" codeSystemName="HL7 AdministrativeGender" displayName="Female"></administrativeGenderCode>
set() [top]
Usage: cda.code.set{target=<{ELEMENT}>, system=<CODESYSTEM>, value=<DISPLAYNAME>, lookup=<{LOOKUPTABLE}>}
Updates an existing code XML element with new values.
- A parsed tree representing the populated XML element
Required parameters:
- target: The XML element that you wish to update
Optional parameters:
- system: The OID of the code system
- value: The coded value usually obtained from the relevant codeset table
- lookup: A table to give the display string of the coded value
Note: In this example, we are updating an XML element named ‘CodeElement’.
cda.code.set{target=CodeElement,["LOINC"], value=cda.codeset.loinc['Consultative note'], lookup=cda.codeset.loincTable}
Example Result:
<code code="11488-4" codesystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Consultative note"></code>
originalText.add() [top]
Usage: cda.code.originalText.add{target=<{CODEPARENT}>, reference=<text>}
Code elements can have also originalText XML elements embedded within them. This functions adds a text reference to a code element.
- A parsed tree representing the populated XML element
Required parameters:
- target: The parent code tag under which you wish to add the new element
- reference: The ID associated with the human readable element that this element refers to
Note: In this example, we are adding text to an XML element named ‘CodeElement’.
cda.code.originalText.add{target=CodeElement, reference='ID'}
Example Result:
<code ...> <originalText reference="ID"></originalText> </code>