Patient Demographics
Patient Demographics is a more realistic example of building a web service with Iguana. Just load up the code and inspect it see how it works. It uses these techniques:
- Using error handling with
- Maintaining a table of available calls
- Returning JSON from the result set
- It also serves up some simple documentation for the interface
Try it now: Patient demographics, username = admin and password = password.
To run the example
- Set up a channel with From HTTPS –> To Channel
- Set the Source > Use Translator to “Translator”
- Then set the “Source>URL path” to “demographic”, and note the web link that is created
Note: The port number will be different from that used for Iguana - Import this project file into the From HTTPS script
- Create the tables using table.vmd that is included in the project
- Use the URL from step 3 to access the web service
Continue: Using Patient Demographics
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