Iguana Dashboard Overview


  1. Default Channel Columns
  2. Default Server Columns
  3. Specify which Dashboard Columns to view

The Dashboard’s most useful feature is that it provides an interactive bird’s eye view of all your channels and servers.

Default Channel Columns [top]

The top Dashboard panel provides a table of information designed to give you instant access to Channel Management tasks:

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Column Description Clicking on Tooltips
Checkbox Select multiple channels to do various bulk operations like clearing channel errors, stopping and starting etc
Start/Stop Stop and start channels Stops or starts channel
Activity Light Shows summary of channel activity
Type Source and Destination components Takes you to the configuration screen for the component Shows configuration for each component and runtime statistics
Name Name of the channel Takes you the configuration page for the channel Shows description and channel groups
Last Activity Last recorded transaction for the channel or “–” if was no activity since the channel was last started Jumps into the logs screen with that transaction Shows summary of transactions processed
Errors Number of errors on the channel Jumps into the logs showing those errors
Queued Number of unprocessed transactions remaining for the channel Jumps into the logs showing the queued messages and those already processed. This allows repositioning of the queue

Default Server Columns [top]

The bottom Dashboard panel provides a table of information designed to give you instant access to Server Management tasks:

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Column Description Clicking on Tooltips
Checkbox Select which servers to connect to Connects to server and shows information in the panel
Activity Light
Server Name
Time Time on the Server
Running Channels Number of running channels and the total number of channels
Service Errors Number of errors on the server Jumps into the logs showing those errors, the [clear] link marks all the errors as deleted
Queued Number of unprocessed transactions remaining for the server
In Msgs/Sec Number of messages coming into the server per second
Out Msgs/Sec Number of messages going out of the server per second
Web Api Links to display server information The Expanded link displays as user friendly text, Compact displays as XML

Specify which Dashboard Columns to view [top]

You can specify the columns to be displayed in either the Dashboard channel list or the Dashboard server list.

To specify the options to be viewed, click View Options (located at the left of the screen). List boxes appear that display the columns currently being displayed in both lists:

Select the columns that you want to display, or unselect the columns that you do not want to display. To hide the View Options list boxes, click anywhere in the Dashboard outside the list boxes.

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