- Introduction
- Best Practice: Database Connection Objects
- db conn query{}: Reading from a database
- db conn execute{}: Writing to a Database
- Basic db.tables{} and db conn merge{} example
- Inserting using db.tables{} and db conn merge{}
- Understanding how merge uses key columns
- Understanding the bulk insert option
- Calling a SQL stored procedure
This article contains an overview of using databases with Iguana Translator. We suggest you read the full article for a basic understanding of how Iguana works with databases, or atleast skim the the article – you can always come back later and read relevant sections in more depth.
For more specific database techniques and best practices read Working with Databases.
Tip: In this article we use local functions in the main module, with the main() function at the end of the module. Why do we do this?
- It is the simplest way to make a well-structured Lua program in Iguana
- It allows us to demonstrate all the code in a single screenshot
- It allows you to copy a single snippet of code to the main module to try it out
- Using local functions hides them from other channels (which is a very good thing)
- We need to put
at the end so it can see the local functions (because Lua uses a single pass compiler)
Note: We recommend using local and shared modules for production code.
Best Practice: Database Connection Objects [top]
When working with databases, we recommend using our database connection objects. These objects are more reliable and easier to use than the legacy database functions.
Is there any occasion not to use connection objects?
Note: We have used the SQLite database to make our examples “plug and play” – if you paste the code in it will (almost always) just work.
However we did make a KISS choice to use a DB called “test”. So if you are already have a “test” DB, and it already contains the table(s) we are using, and the tables have different fields than what what we are using – then the code will fail . There are two ways to fix this: delete the table and recreate it with the “correct” structure, or use a different database. The instructions for doing this are in the SQLiteTableCreation()
function at the top of the main module.
If you have any questions please contact us at support@interfaceware.com.
- Connections are no longer pooled, resulting in safer transactions:
- Create dedicated connections using db.connect
Note: If network connectivity to the database is lost a rollback will occur.
- Create dedicated connections using db.connect
- The ability to check a connection to confirm that the database is still available:
- Use the conn:check method to test a connection
- Create a connection using db.connect
- Optionally check to see if a connection created previously is still live and create a new connection if needed
- Do database tasks (insert/update data etc)
How the live flag for db.connect affects the execution of database methods in the Iguana editor:
By default the connection handle returned from db.connect is live (live = true).
- If db.connect live = true (the default) connection methods will run in the editor (based on their default or live setting).
- If db.connect live = false it means that all database operations are always non-live.
For more information, see the help documentation for db.connect.
- Download and import this project into a To/From Translator channel: db_connection.zip
- Check to see if the DB connection is valid and create a new connection if needed.
- Merge, update and read data.
- Close the connection.
And this is how to copy a connection… Easy!
And here is the code:
local function SQLiteTableCreation() -- Set "live = true" to delete the Patient table -- this can be used to delete a Patient table that is not -- working (probably because it has a the wrong fields) -- ALTERNATIVELY: if you need to *keep* the current Patient -- table you can change the DB name in db.connect{} in main() conn:execute{sql=[[DROP TABLE Patient;]], live = false} -- change to "true" to delete Patient table -- create Patient table if it does not exist conn:execute{sql=[[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Patient ( Id TEXT(255) NOT NULL, LastName TEXT(255), GivenName TEXT(255), Race TEXT(255), PhoneHome TEXT(255), PhoneBusiness TEXT(255), Religion TEXT(255), MaritalStatus TEXT(255),Ssn TEXT(255), LicenseNumber TEXT(255),PRIMARY KEY (Id)); ]], live = true} end function main() local out = db.tables{vmd='demo.vmd', name='ADT'} out.patient[1].Id='1' out.patient[1].GivenName='Gyulia' out.patient[1].LastName='Smith' -- check if connection is valid an recreate if required -- (assume "conn" object was created earlier) if not conn or not conn:check() then if conn and conn:check() then conn:close() end -- close stale connection conn = db.connect{ api=db.SQLITE, name='test', user='root', -- not required - ignored by SQLite password='password', -- not required - ignored by SQLite use_unicode = true, live = true } end -- create SQLite tables if needed SQLiteTableCreation() -- merge using name 'Gyulia' conn:merge{data=out, live = true} -- update name 'Gyulia' to 'Julia' conn:execute{sql=[[ UPDATE Patient SET GivenName = 'Julia' WHERE GivenName = 'Gyulia']], live = true} conn:query{sql='SELECT * from Patient'} -- best practice to manually close connection conn:close() -- how to copy a DB connection local conn2 = db.connect(conn:info()) end
See also:
- db – interacting with databases for information on new and legacy database functions
- db conn – new database methods
- db – old style database functions
Is there ever a case where it is best NOT to use connection objects?
As long as you are using Iguana 5.5 or above, the answer is no.
Note: The only time it makes sense is when you are migrating from an older version of Iguana (before 5.5), as all the legacy database functions still work. So you do not need to immediately change to using connection objects.
For new code, we recommend using connection objects. If you are migrating from an older version of Iguana (before 5.5), there is no need to change but it strongly recommended that you update your code as soon as possible.
db conn query{}: Reading from a database [top]
To read from a database you should use conn:query{}
To write to a database you should use conn:execute{}
How It Works
To read from a database, use a conn:query{}
method call.
This allows you to execute an ad hoc SQL SELECT statement on a database (a count of the rows returned is shown for information):
As you can see, the format of the data returned is a standard node tree, which means that it’s very easy to manipulate and map data coming back from the query.
actually executes SELECT statements when you alter the Editor script or change the sample data. It assumes that the SELECT statements do not alter the state of the database and can be safely run to power the Translator’s annotation and auto-completion capabilities. For anything which does alter the database, use conn:execute{}
or conn:merge{}

Return Values
Both conn:execute{}
and conn:query{}
return a pair of values:
- The last recordset selected by the SQL statement (or nil if the statement resulted in no recordsets)
- The array of all recordsets resulting from the SQL statement (if no recordsets were produced, the array will be empty)
This is covered in detail in the Return Values section of the the next page db conn execute{} – Writing to a Database.
Error Handling
Both conn:execute{}
and conn:query{}
throw errors if a database error is encountered. The errors are regular Lua errors and will cause the execution of the script to halt, unless they are caught by exercising Lua error handling mechanisms.
This is covered in detail in the Error Handling section of the the next page “db conn execute{}: Writing to a Database”.
Sample Code
local function SQLiteTableCreation() -- Set "live = true" to delete the Patient table -- this can be used to delete a Patient table that is not -- working (probably because it has a the wrong fields) -- ALTERNATIVELY: if you need to *keep* the current Patient -- table you can change the DB name in db.connect{} in main() conn:execute{sql=[[DROP TABLE Patient;]], live = false} -- change to "true" to delete Patient table -- create Patient table if it does not exist conn:execute{sql=[[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Patient ( Id TEXT(255) NOT NULL, LastName TEXT(255), GivenName TEXT(255), Race TEXT(255), PhoneHome TEXT(255), PhoneBusiness TEXT(255), Religion TEXT(255), MaritalStatus TEXT(255),Ssn TEXT(255), LicenseNumber TEXT(255),PRIMARY KEY (Id)); ]], live = true} end -- create connection once when channel starts conn = db.connect{ api=db.SQLITE, name='test', user='root', -- not required - ignored by SQLite password='password', -- not required - ignored by SQLite use_unicode = true, live = true } local function findPatient(Id) local R = conn:query{ sql="SELECT * FROM Patient WHERE id = '"..Id.."'" } trace(#R) -- count of Patient rows returned trace(R[1]) -- first row returned return #R, R end local function getAllPatients() local R = conn:query{sql="SELECT * FROM Patient"} trace(#R) -- count of Patient rows returned trace(R[1]) -- first row returned return #R, R end function main() -- create Patient and Kin tables if they do not exist SQLiteTableCreation() -- find a patient with a specified Id findPatient(4525285) -- get all patients getAllPatients() end
What’s Next?
We have shown you how to read data from a database. The next step is to add code to map the data into another format, such as HL7, XML or JSON.
See the following links for more information about working with databases:
- Use
to update a database - Inserting using db.tables{} and
- HL7 to Database Tutorial
- Database to HL7 Tutorial
- Throttling: Controlling database inserts and updates
- API reference for database functions
Please contact support at support@interfaceware.com if you need more help.
db conn execute{}: Writing to a Database [top]
To write to a database you should use conn:execute{}
Unlike conn:merge{}
, conn:execute{}
does not handle database transactions automatically. When you use conn:execute{}
, it is your responsibility to manage how transactions are handled.
To read from a database you should use conn:query{}
How It Works
To write to a database you can use conn:execute{}
This allows you to execute any ad hoc SQL statement on a database, including UPDATE and INSERT statements (unlike conn:query{}
which will not run UPDATE and INSERT statements). You can also use conn:execute{}
to call a stored procedure.
Tip: While conn:query{}
will not run UPDATE or INSERT statements, it will run other statements that change the database, e.g., DELETE, REPLACE, and calling stored procedures. However we recommend that you use conn:execute{}
for commands that change the database.
By default, SQL statements specified in calls to conn:execute{}
are not executed while you are editing the script. They are only executed when the channel is being run. This behavior can be overridden by setting the live parameter to true, in which case the statements are executed every time the script is executed in the editor. Be cautious about using live=true
since the script is executed many times to get the annotation and auto-completion data (which can cause many INSERTs and UPDATEs) .
In this example setting live = true
and advancing through the sample data in the editor will add rows to the Patient table:
Return Values
Both conn:execute{}
and conn:query{}
both return a pair of values:
- The last recordset selected by the SQL statement (or nil if the statement resulted in no recordsets)
- The array of all recordsets resulting from the SQL statement (if no recordsets were produced, the array will be empty):
- The following screenshot illustrates how multiple result sets are rendered in the editor:
Note: This code will need to be run against a different database like MySql, because SQLite always returns only one recordset as it only accepts a single query at a a time (if you send a query string with multiple SQL queries to SQLite it will execute the first SQL statement and ignore the rest).
Error Handling
Both conn:execute{}
and conn:query{}
throw errors if a database error is encountered. The errors are regular Lua errors and will cause the execution of the script to halt, unless they are caught by exercising Lua error handling mechanisms.
In this case we tried to insert a duplicate Patient record, which caused a primary key violation:
The error thrown is a table with two fields:
- message: a string with the description of the error
- code: an integer error code returned by the database. Currently, error codes from ODBC sources and MySQL databases are supported.
We added a protected Lua call (pcall) and, as you see below, the error is captured, and the procedure is no longer halted:
Note: In this case is the error message is not very helpful as it only tells you a constraint was violated, it doesn’t tell you that it was a primary key constraint violation. Messages from other databases will usually say something more useful like “primary key violation”.
Sample Code
This code includes everything we have done above. You can use this sample_data.txt data file.
local function SQLiteTableCreation() -- Set "live = true" to delete the Patient table -- this can be used to delete a Patient table that is not -- working (probably because it has a the wrong fields) -- ALTERNATIVELY: if you need to *keep* the current Patient -- table you can change the DB name in db.connect{} in main() conn:execute{sql=[[DROP TABLE Patient;]], live = false} -- change to "true" to delete Patient table -- create Patient table if it does not exist conn:execute{sql=[[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Patient ( Id TEXT(255) NOT NULL, LastName TEXT(255), GivenName TEXT(255), Race TEXT(255), PhoneHome TEXT(255), PhoneBusiness TEXT(255), Religion TEXT(255), MaritalStatus TEXT(255), Ssn TEXT(255), LicenseNumber TEXT(255), PRIMARY KEY (Id)); ]], live = true} -- the process is identical for the Kin table conn:execute{sql=[[DROP TABLE Kin;]], live = false} -- change to "true" to delete Kin table -- create Kin table if it does not exist conn:execute{sql=[[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Kin ( Relationship TEXT(255), LastName TEXT(255), FirstName TEXT(255)); ]], live = true} end -- create connection once when channel starts conn = db.connect{ api=db.SQLITE, name='test', user='root', -- not required - ignored by SQLite password='password', -- not required - ignored by SQLite use_unicode = true, live = true } function addPatient(PID) conn:execute{ sql=[[INSERT INTO Patient( Id, LastName, GivenName, Race, PhoneHome, PhoneBusiness, Religion, MaritalStatus, Ssn, LicenseNumber ) VALUES(']] ..PID[3][1][1].."', '" ..PID[5][1][1][1].."', '" ..PID[5][1][2].."', '" ..PID[10][1][1].."', '" ..PID[13][1][1].."', '" ..PID[14][1][1].."', '" ..PID[17][1].."', '" ..PID[16][1].."', '" ..PID[19].."', '" ..PID[20][1].."'" ..")", live=true } end function main(Data) -- create Patient table if it does not exist SQLiteTableCreation() -- change to "live=true" to delete all rows in Patient table conn:execute{sql='DELETE FROM Patient', live=false} -- parse the HL7 message to read-only node tree local Msg, Name = hl7.parse{vmd='demo.vmd', data=Data} -- copy parsed message to a writable "Out" node tree local Out = hl7.message{vmd='demo.vmd', name=Name} Out:mapTree(Msg) -- now we can do some processing on the writable Out -- node tree before saving it to the databse if Name=='ADT' then local Success, Error = pcall(addPatient, Out.PID) if (not Success) then trace(Error) trace(Error.code) trace(Error.message) end end -- run a single query conn:query{sql='SELECT * FROM Patient'} -- run multiple queries - returns multiple result sets -- doesn't work with MySQL because it only runs the 1st -- query and ignores any subsequent queries local R1, R2 = conn:execute{ sql=[[SELECT * FROM Patient; SELECT * FROM Kin;]], live=true } trace(R1, R2) end
What’s Next?
We have shown you the basics of using conn:execute{}
, you will need to adapt this to your own needs. We suggest you investigate the database tutorials and examples in the Database section of the wiki.
See the following links for more information about working with databases:
- Database to HL7 Tutorial
- Inserting using
- HL7 to Database Tutorial
- Throttling: Controlling database inserts and updates
- API reference for database functions
Please contact support at support@interfaceware.com if you need more help.
Basic db.tables{} and db conn merge{} example [top]
Here is a simple example that uses db.tables{}
and conn:merge{}
. These methods are always used together: db.tables{}
creates the empty set of tables that will be populated by the script. conn:merge{}
performs the actual work of putting the data into the database.
The merge process all happens within a single database transaction.
How It Works
This sample code shown here provides a trivial example that that demonstrates how these methods work. Normally, the data would be coming from another source, such as an XML, JSON or HL7 message. In this case, the information is hard-coded within the script.
The code uses the attached tables.vmd file. This file has just one message defined, Message, and two tables, Person and Relationship:
Note: The merge will only run in the editor if live=true
for conn:merge{}
Sample Code
The source code is shown below:
local function SQLiteTableCreation() -- Set "live = true" to delete the Person table -- this can be used to delete a Person table that is not -- working (probably because it has a the wrong fields) -- ALTERNATIVELY: if you need to *keep* the current Person -- table you can change the DB name in db.connect{} in main() conn:execute{sql=[[DROP TABLE Person;]], live = false} -- change to "true" to delete Person table -- create Patient table if it does not exist conn:execute{sql=[[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Person ( Id INT4 NOT NULL, LastName TEXT(255), FirstName TEXT(255), PRIMARY KEY (Id)); ]], live = true} -- the process is identical for the Relationship table conn:execute{sql=[[DROP TABLE Relationship;]], live = false} -- change to "true" to delete Relationship table -- create Relationship table if it does not exist conn:execute{sql=[[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Relationship ( Id INT4 NOT NULL, RelationId INT4 NOT NULL, Relationship TEXT(255), PRIMARY KEY (Id,RelationId)); ]], live = true} end -- create connection once when channel starts conn = db.connect{ api=db.SQLITE, name='test', user='root', -- not required - ignored by SQLite password='password', -- not required - ignored by SQLite use_unicode = true, live = true } function main() -- create tables if they do not exist SQLiteTableCreation() -- create the table node tree for merging into the DB local Out = db.tables{vmd='tables.vmd', name='Message'} -- Add data to the table node tree -- Three Person rows and 2 Relationship rows Out.Person[1].Id = '1' Out.Person[1].LastName = 'Smith' Out.Person[1].FirstName = 'George' Out.Person[2].Id = '2' Out.Person[2].LastName = 'Smith' Out.Person[2].FirstName = 'Mary' Out.Person[3].Id = '3' Out.Person[3].LastName = 'Smith' Out.Person[3].FirstName = 'Joe' Out.Relationship[1].Id = '2' Out.Relationship[1].RelationId = '1' Out.Relationship[1].Relationship = 'Wife' Out.Relationship[2].Id = '3' Out.Relationship[2].RelationId = '1' Out.Relationship[2].Relationship = 'Son' -- merge the data conn:merge{data=Out, live=true} -- check that merge worked conn:query{sql='SELECT * FROM Person'} conn:query{sql='SELECT * FROM Relationship'} end
Inserting using db.tables{} and db conn merge{} [top]
To insert data into databases, you should use db.tables{}
and conn:merge{}
The merge functionality powerful, flexible, and simple to use! Merge will check to see if a row already exists (i.e., a Patient). If it does, it will update the existing data; however, if data does not exist (i.e., a new Patient), it will insert a new row into the table. What’s more, a single conn:merge{}
statement can insert/update a single row in one table (or multiple rows in many tables).
Before You Start
Because VMD files are needed to define the table definitions used in db.tables{}
and conn:merge{}
, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how to work with VMD files:
- Using Chameleon to examine the VMD structure
- Using Chameleon to Import table definitions directly into the VMD file
- Using Iguana to create database tables from definitions in a VMD file
In the future, we plan to give the Translator the ability to define and edit database schemas directly. When this is implemented, you will no longer need to use VMD files or Chameleon.
How It Works
To merge data into a database, just follow these steps:
- Use
to create a table node tree. - Map your data into the table node tree.
- Use
to insert the data into the database.
To see this procedure in action, check out this basic example using db.tables{}
and conn:merge{}
The following pages describe more advanced merge features:
- Understanding how merge uses key columns
- Handling tables that use an auto-incremented ID column
- Understanding the bulk insert option
Additional Information
We have shown you how to use the Iguana merge function to insert data into a database. We also explained how it works with keys, auto-incrementing IDs, and bulk insert. This should should cover most database insert/update needs.
Sometimes, you may find that the default implementation of merge won’t meet your exact requirements. For instance, conn:customMerge()
to prevent it inserting NULLs, or your might need tighter control over how ‘double’ values are formatted. Fortunately, because the Translator is such an open solution, it’s possible for us to provide an equivalent routine written in Lua which gives you tighter control over the behaviour. Because this alternative merge module is written in Lua, you can customize it to suit your needs.
For more information about this topic, you may want to check out these pages:
- Handling transactions explicitly with execute()
- Using Database Connection Objects
- Throttling: Controlling database inserts and updates
- API reference for
Please contact support at support@interfaceware.com if you need more help.
Understanding how merge uses key columns [top]
A call to conn:merge{}
will either insert new rows in a database table or update existing rows.
How It Works
This depends on whether the VMD file that specifies database tables has any key columns defined:
- If no key columns are defined, new rows are always inserted. Some applications prefer this behavior, since data is never overwritten.
- If key columns are defined, Iguana performs a SELECT statement to attempt to find rows that match the values provided in the key columns. If a row exists, an UPDATE operation is performed. Otherwise, an INSERT is performed.
Check for Key Columns using Chameleon
To determine whether a table in a VMD file contains a key column.
- Open Chameleon
- Double-click the name of the table that you want to examine:
- Check for any columns with the Key check box selected:
In this case the Id column is the key for the Person table.
Note: To see whether conn:merge{}
is performing inserts or updates, run the channel with Debug level logging and examine the log messages that contain SQL statements.
Understanding the bulk insert option [top]
Bulk insert is an optional flag for conn:merge{}
that can be used with Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL.
It ignores the key columns defined in the VMD files and always does an INSERT using the bulk insert syntax. If your table has a large number of rows, this can improve performance.
Note: Bulk insert does inserts only, if you need to do updates you must handle these separately.
Before You Start
Warning! You should be aware that the behaviour of triggers for bulk insert for Microsoft SQLServer is different from MySQL:
- Triggers do not fire in Microsoft SQLServer (this is to improve performance of bulk insert operation)
- Triggers do fire in MySQL (there is no command to enable/disable triggers in MySQL)
Note: See the “What’s Next?” section at the bottom of the page for information on using triggers with bulk insert.
How It Works
Because Bulk Insert is only works for MySQL and Microsoft SQLServer, we will use MySQL this example.
Using bulk insert in Iguana is very simple you just need to set bulk_insert = true
Here is an example of a call to conn:merge{}
that uses the bulk insert option:
Because bulk insert only does inserts you will get an error if you try to merge a duplicate record:
without the bulk insert option the corresponding record would be updated, and this error would not occur.Sample Code
To use this code in your script, copy and paste the following code sample:
Note: You will need to create a MySQL database called “test” and create the Patient table – the easiest way is to use the Dashboard to create the table from the VMD file definition.
-- create connection once when channel starts conn = db.connect{ api=db.MY_SQL, name='test', user='root', -- not required - ignored by SQLite password='password', -- not required - ignored by SQLite use_unicode = true, live = true } -- We map Mrn to the Patient ID Number local function mapPatient(PID, Out) Out.patient[1].Id = PID[3][1][1] Out.patient[1].LastName = PID[5][1][1][1] Out.patient[1].GivenName = PID[5][1][1][1] Out.patient[1].Race = PID[10][1][1] Out.patient[1].PhoneHome = PID[13][1][1] Out.patient[1].PhoneBusiness = PID[14][1][1] Out.patient[1].Religion = PID[17][2] Out.patient[1].MaritalStatus = PID[16][2] Out.patient[1].Ssn = PID[19] Out.patient[1].LicenseNumber = PID[20][1] return Out end function main(Data) local Msg, Name = hl7.parse{vmd='demo.vmd', data=Data} -- create the table node tree for merging into the DB local Out = db.tables{vmd='demo.vmd', name=Name} -- Add data to the table node tree Out = mapPatient(Msg.PID, Out) -- merge the data conn:merge{data=Out, bulk_insert = true, live=true} -- check that merge worked conn:query{sql='SELECT * FROM Patient'} end
What’s Next?
We showed you the the bulk insert option for the conn:merge{}
. If you want more control it is possible use native SQL bulk inserts statements with conn:execute{}
You might want to use a trigger during bulk insert operations to prevent invalid inserts (i.e., check on insert if record exists and do an update instead). You can also use triggers for other data validation etc.
If you want triggers to fire during bulk insert you will need to do the following:
- For MySQL triggers fire by default so no action is needed
- For Microsoft SQLServer you need to use
to run a native bulk insert statement, using the FIRE_TRIGGERS option
If you do not want triggers to fire during bulk insert you will need to do the following:
- For Microsoft SQLServer triggers do not fire by default so no action is needed
- For MySQL you can use a variable in the trigger to prevent it from running
Note: I cleaned up the code from this discussion:
- Trigger code:
IF @enable_triggers = 1 THEN // Do something useful when the trigger is enabled END IF;
- Iguana script:
conn:execute{sql='SET @enable_trigger = 0', live=true} -- disable triggers conn:merge{data=T, bulk_insert=true, live=true} conn:execute{sql='SET @enable_trigger = 1', live=true} -- re-enable triggers
- Set the variable to disable triggers using
conn:execute{sql = 'SET @enable_trigger = 0'}
- Run
- Set the variable to enable triggers using
conn:execute{sql = 'SET @enable_trigger = 1'}
- Set the variable to disable triggers using
- Trigger code:
Calling a SQL stored procedure [top]
Because SQLite does not support stored procedures we will use MySQL this example.
It’s straightforward to use conn:execute{}
to call a stored procedure.
How It Works
The only thing you need to be careful of is to make sure that values coming from external sources are properly escaped. We will use the conn:quote{}
function to do this. The conn:quote{}
function quotes all returned strings, so you must not add quotes around strings in SQL query text.
Other than this, all you have to do is join strings together to create the stored procedure call:
As you can see that that the embedded apostrophe (‘) character in LastName is correctly escaped:
Sample Code
You can load this sample project file: call_sp_filter.zip.
Or you can use this sample_data.txt data file, and copy the Call a DB stored procedure code sample from our repository.