How to install Chameleon


This page shows you how to install Chameleon GUI on Windows.

There are three ways to install Chameleon on Windows:

  1. Use the Iguana installer to install Iguana on your Windows machine as it includes a copy of Chameleon.
  2. Use the Chameleon installer.
  3. Perform a manual Chameleon install.

The second and third options are usually used after a manual Iguana install on Windows – as it does not include Chameleon.

Note: Chameleon applications can be deployed on all Windows, Linux, and Mac – but the Chameleon GUI only runs on a Windows machine (or Windows VM).

If you have any questions please contact us at

Using the Windows installer [top]

  1. Download the latest Chameleon installer from our download site:
    1. Chameleon 6.1.3 installer download link

      This link is for the Iguana installer executable – you can can also download the 6.1.3 zipped executable if company security policies prevent executable downloads.

  2. Run the installer using administrator permissions and accept the default install settings.

    In 99% of cases the defaults will suffice – but you can change the install directory or choose not to install the HL7 Simulator and/or HL7 Listener.

  3. Register Chameleon:
    1. Run Chameleon by double clicking the desktop icon (or the executable where you installed it).
    2. The Registration Code screen appears, locate the Machine ID:
      Chameleon registration
    3. Follow the Register Chameleon steps – in the “How to renew your Chameleon Registration” FAQ.

Manual Windows install [top]

  1. Create an install directory.
  2. Download the latest Chameleon no-installer file from our download site:
    1. Chameleon 6.1.3 no-installer download link
  3. Extract the contents of this file, and move them into the folder into which you want to install the additional copy of Chameleon.
  4. To start this copy of Chameleon, double-click VMstudio.exe in the install directory.
  5. Follow the Register Chameleon steps – from the “Using the Windows installer” section above.

Installing Multiple copies on Windows [top]

Note: You can run multiple independent copies of Chameleon on Windows, each copy will need a separate install directory and it’s own license.

  1. Create a separate install directory for the new copy of Chameleon.
  2. Follow the same steps as the Manual Windows install – using the separate install directory you just created.

More Information [top]


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