LLP Client


Configure the settings for the LLP Client destination component.

The LLP Client component transmits HL7 messages on a specified port using the LLP protocol.

From here you can choose host address and port, the message encoding type, choose LLP delimiters, ACKnowledgement settings, connection settings, and SSL settings.

  • Click the Edit Channel button
  • Enter your settings and click Save Changes

Host address

  • Enter the IP address your domain name of the target machine
  • You can use an environment variable (in the format ${VARIABLE_NAME}) in the host address field.


  • Specify the port number In the Port field. By default Iguana will automatically choose a port that is currently not in use
  • In Iguana 6.1.2 and newer, you can use an environment variable (in the format ${VARIABLE_NAME}) in the port field.

Message encoding

  • Choose the desired encoding from the Message encoding list box
  • Check Escape 8-bit characters (HL7) to escape 8-bit characters in ACK messages

    Tip: You can get much better control of escaping messages by using a Filter with a Translator script.

LLP delimiters

  • (Optionally) choose custom LLP delimiters


 ACK Settings [top]

Wait for ACK

  • Check this option to wait for an ACK before sending the next message
    Note: All the other ACK settings are only showing when this is selected

ACK timeout

  • Enter the number of milliseconds to wait for an ACK

ACK verification

  • Select the type of ACK to use:
Acknowledgment verification Meaning
Any Message Treat any message sent back by the target machine as a valid acknowledgment.
Any ACK Message Use the VMD file provided in the Iguana install directory (ack_verify.vmd) to parse the acknowledgment and ensure that it is an HL7 message of type ACK. Iguana uses the message identity to verify that the acknowledgment is valid.
Verified ACK Message This option provides the strictest acknowledgment checking. The ack_verify.vmd file compares the MessageControlID field in the MSH segment of the original message with the corresponding field in the ACK message. The acknowledgment message must be of type ACK.You can add even more stringent acknowledgment verification by adding fields to the MSH table in the VMD file and mapping them to the fields that you want to compare in the messages. For example, you might want to compare the message type in the acknowledgment message to the message type in the original message. For more information on how to create a custom VMD file to perform ACK verification, see the ack.vmd file in the code repository.


  • Select the VMD file to verify the ACK
    The default file ack_verify.vmd is usually sufficient

Attempt to resend message

  • Choose when to attempt re-sending a message

Number of resend attempts

  • Enter the number of re-send attempts
    Note: This field is only displayed if you chose to attempt re-sending messages

Disconnect between resend attempts

  • Check the box to disconnect between re-send attempts
  • Enter the time to wait in milliseconds
    Note: This field is only displayed chose to disconnect

ACK error handling

  • Select the error handling option from the listbox

Persistent connection?

  • Choose whether or not to persistently connect to the remote host
  • If you choose to disconnect after timeout enter the number of milliseconds

Attempt to reconnect?

  • Select the option from the listbox
  • If you chose Yes, with limit enter the number of retries

Reconnection interval

  • Enter the reconnection interval and milliseconds

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