Configure the settings for the legacy To Database source component.
Note: you can use the Tables tab to create the tables for your To Database component
The To Database component allows you to write to a database.
- Click the Edit Channel button
- Enter your settings and click Save Changes
Database API
- Select the database to use from the listbox
Data source
- Enter the name of the data source
The name of this data source depends on the database API that you have selected:Database API Expected data source MySQL If the database is locally hosted, the data source name is the name of the database schema. For remote databases, use the form schema@host or schema@host:port, where host is the IP address or hostname of the server. OCI-Oracle One of the following: - The Oracle service name, which is the name in the tnsnames.ora file;
- The Oracle connection string;
- The Oracle Instant Client connection string (for example, <host>:<port>/<servicename>)
Any ODBC-based database API The name of the ODBC system data source (System DSN)
Database username
- Enter the username (if required)
Database password
- Enter the password (if required)
On database error
- Check the box to retry after non-fatal database errors
- Enter list of non-fatal errors separated by semicolons
- Enter the number of retries, and the delay time in seconds
- Otherwise choose if you want to skip the message or stop the channel (default = stop channel)
Full parser VMD path
- Select the VMD file to parse the HL7 messages received from the source component
On VMD parse error
- Choose if you want to skip the message or stop the channel (default = skip message)
Data insertion order
- Choose whether to insert data in the table grammar order or alphabetical order by table name
Reconnect to DB?
- Select the database reconnection option from the listbox
- If you select yes with limit you must specify the number of reconnection attempts
Reconnection interval
- into the number of milliseconds between reconnection attempts
Database timeout
- Specify the Microsoft SQL Server database timeout value in seconds
Note: This field only appears if you selected ODBC – Microsoft SQL Server