Filtering the Channels displayed in the Dashboard

Regex Search Criteria

You can use also use regular expressions (regex) in the Dashboard search field, simply enclose the expression in slash characters /<regex>/.
Note: The closing slash is optional unless you wish to combine multiple regex expressions.

Here are a few simple, and useful, things that you can do with regex queries:

  • Use an anchor “^” to match all channels beginning with “CDA”:

    Alternatively you can omit the second slash:

  • To match all channels beginning with “CDA” or “DB”, by combining two regexs:
    /^cda/ OR /^db/
  • To match all channels beginning with “CDA” or “DB”, with a single regex:


  • To exclude all channels beginning with “CDA” or “DB”:
    NOT /^(cda|db)/

    Alternatively with regex, using “look-ahead not equals”:
