Log Configuration and Performance

Changing the Log Directory

You can change the directory in which Iguana stores its logging information.

Warning! to change the log directory, you must first stop the Iguana service.

Pick a time when your Iguana server is not being heavily used

To change the log directory:

  • Log out of Iguana.
  • Use a text editor to edit IguanaConfiguration.xml, which is the Iguana configuration file. This file is normally located in the directory in which Iguana is installed (for example, C:\Program Files\iNTERFACEWARE\Iguana).
  • In IguanaConfiguration.xml, change the log_directory entry to the location of the directory in which you want Iguana to write its log files. The user under which the Iguana service is running must have permission to read and write to this directory, or you will not be able to restart Iguana.
  • Save and close IguanaConfiguration.xml.
  • Move or copy the files from the old log directory to the new log directory.
  • Restart the Iguana service and log back into Iguana.

Iguana stores its log messages in files contained in the log directory. A new log file is created every day. Each log file is named <date>.log, where <date> is the date of the file in YYYYMMDD format. For example, the log file for August 13, 2008 is named 20080813.log.

Iguana also creates a log metafile every day, and stores it in the meta subdirectory of the log directory. Each metafile is named <date>_meta.xml, and contains a summary of the contents of the log file for that day. Log metafiles ensure that Iguana does not have to scan all of the log files when it starts up.

The meta subdirectory also contains a channel metafile, named channel_position_meta.xml, that keeps a count of the number of messages that have been sent by each channel.

Warning! Do not open or edit any log files manually. If you change the log files yourself, Iguana might not be able to access them.

When copying the files into your new log directory, it is a good idea to make a backup copy of these files. This provides protection in case something goes wrong.

For best results, define a separate local partition for your log directory instead of using your system partition or C drive.

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