The Iguana Demo

The following instructions will help you set up the fourth Iguana demo channel (04-Test Data Generator) correctly:

Step One: Set up the files

Before you create the channel, you need to make sure that you have all the files and folders needed.

Note: If you’ve already created the 01-File to Socket channel, you can go directly to step 4.

  1. Locate your Iguana install directory.
  2. Within the iNTERFACEWARE/Iguana folder, create a new folder and name it ‘Demo‘.
  3. Within the Demo folder, create a new folder and call it ‘Messages‘.
  4. Download this project zip file:

Step Two: Create the channel

Now you are ready to create the channel itself:

  1. From the Iguana Dashboard, click the Add Channel button. The Add Channel dialog appears.
  2. Make the following component selections:
    • Source = From Translator
    • Destination = To File
  3. Click the Configure Channel button. The Channel Configuration screen appears, providing you access to the new channel’s settings.
  4. In the Channel tab, enter the following information:
    • Channel name = 04-Test Data Generator
    • Description = Generate Random ADT Messages and place in demo/messages folder
  5. In the Destination tab, enter the following information:
    • Destination directory = /Demo/Messages/
    • Write each message to = Separate files
    • Use as file ID = Unique ID (YYYYMMDDhhmmss_XXXXX)
    • Output file mask = %i.txt
  6. Click the Add Channel button.

    Warning! Upon creating the channel, you will receive an automatic ‘error’ because you have not yet saved a milestone. Don’t worry, we will fix this when we add the code (see below).

Step Three: Import the code

With the channel set up, now you can import the code:

  1. If you are not already in the Channel Configuration screen, click the channel’s name in the Dashboard to open it.
  2. In the Source tab, click the Edit Script hyperlink. Iguana launches the Translator and the following dialog appears:
  3. Enable the Import project from zip file option.
  4. Click the Choose File button.
  5. In the dialog that appears, browse and select the Filter project zip file that you downloaded earlier (
  6. Click the Import button. Iguana loads the project into the Translator (including the code and module libraries).
  7. Save this script’s first milestone.

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