Iguana 5.0

What’s new in 5.0.10

  • The user experience in Internet Explorer is improved
  • Iguana will now inform you when a new version is available for download. This notification is shown on the product’s login page and also displayed on the Dashboard.
  • Several other new features
  • Several bug fixes, and behavior changes
  • To see the complete list of changes, feel free to browse the Iguana change log

The user experience in Internet Explorer is improved [top]

Several tweaks have been made to improve compatibility with Internet Explorer 8 and 9.

  • Adding files to your project no longer fail with the “incorrect” Internet Explorer security settings.
  • While creating a project in IE 8, you no longer get an (incorrect) message that the file was modified outside the editor.
  • Searching text in the editor using IE 8 and 9 was often slow. This has been fixed.
  • In IE 8, the “x” icon would not always clear the search bar. This has been fixed.
  • Now, IE 9 always displays the little navigation arrows correctly when they are required in the annotation blocks.