sqlescape.lua (pre 5.5.1)


Escapes strings to make them safe to use in SQL for various databases, from 5.5.1 it is superseded by the by the builtin conn:quote() method

Source Code
-- $Revision: 1.16 $
-- $Date: 2014-09-10 16:55:04 $

-- The sqlescape module
-- Copyright (c) 2011-2012 iNTERFACEWARE Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
-- iNTERFACEWARE permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance
-- with the terms of the iNTERFACEWARE license agreement accompanying the software
-- in which it is used.

-- Module which can be used to get a SQL escape function for a given database
-- Example usage:
-- local E = sqlescape.EscapeFunction(db.MY_SQL)
-- local V = E("This data contains quote ' characters")

-- Note: All functions returned by this module surround the given input string
-- with a pair of single quotes. As such, when using one of these functions on
-- a string literal to be used in a SQL command, you should not surround the
-- ouptut of the function with an additional pair of quotes as this may cause
-- your SQL command to fail.

sqlescape = {}

- In the context of this function, the first argument to gsub (not counting
the calling string), is a set of characters which will be replaced when
matched. The character class "%z" represents the character with value 0.
- The second argument defines a table with key/value pairs which will be
used for replacement of the characters in the first argument.
local function MySQLEscape(Value)
   return Value:gsub('["\'\\%z]', {
         ['"']  = '\\"', ['\0'] = '\\0',
         ["'"]  = "\\'", ['\\'] = '\\\\',

local function SingleQuoteEscape(Value)
   return Value:gsub("'", "''")

local function PostgresEscape(Value)
   return Value:gsub("['\\]", {["'"] = "''", ["\\"] = "\\\\"})

local function AddQuotes(Value)
   return "'" .. Value .. "'"

-- The default function used for escaping.
local DEFAULT_ESCAPE_FUNCTION = SingleQuoteEscape

   [db.MY_SQL]      = MySQLEscape,
   [db.ORACLE_OCI]  = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.ORACLE_ODBC] = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.SQLITE]      = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.SQL_SERVER]  = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.POSTGRES]    = PostgresEscape,
   [db.DB2]         = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.INFORMIX]    = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.INTERBASE]   = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.FILEMAKER]   = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.SYBASE_ASA]  = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.SYBASE_ASE]  = SingleQuoteEscape,
   [db.ACCESS]      = SingleQuoteEscape

function sqlescape.EscapeFunction(DatabaseType)
   -- If the database type given is not recognized then provide the most
   -- commonly used escaping function instead.
   -- Return a composition of functions that uses the escaping method for
   -- the given database and adds a pair of single quotes to the output.
   return function(Value)
      return AddQuotes(EscapeFunc(Value))

return sqlescape
Escapes strings to make them safe to use in SQL for various databases, from 5.5.1 it is superseded by the by the builtin conn:quote() method
Usage Details

The legacy sqlescape.lua module contains a library for escaping strings to make them safe to use in SQL for various databases.

This has been superseded by the conn:quote() method that was introduced in Iguana 5.5.1.

How to use dbc.lua:

  • Add a module called “sqlescape” to a From Translator component
  • Paste the code into the module
  • Add require 'sqlescape' at the top of your code
  • Use the EscapeFunction() method

This code sample shows how to escape a string: