Using your Members Account

Logging In

To log in to your iNTERFACEWARE member account, do one of the following:

  1. In Iguana you can login from the Iguana License Entitlement screen.
  2. In your web browser, go to the iNTERFACEWARE web site and click the Members Login link at the top right of the page.

Either way the Login To Your Account section appears:

  • In the E-mail Address field, type your email address. (If you have created the member account yourself, type the email address you used when you created the account.)
  • In the Password field, type the password that was provided to you. (If you have forgotten your password, see What To Do If You Have Forgotten Your Password.)
  • Click Login. The main Member Account screen appears:

What you can do from here depends on whether you have full permissions, read-write permissions, or read-only permissions. See Using Your Member Account for a description of these permissions.