Database to HL7

Import Sample Data

The Translator works best when you can drive it with sample data. This is one of the biggest motivations for breaking this channel into two Translator instances. The first part is intended to be a minimal as possible in terms of ‘seeding’ the MESSAGE_IDs into the queue. The filter is where we do most of the real mapping work doing queries based off those IDs and using it to map into HL7 or other message types.

It makes interface development very fluid and makes it easy to visualize how the data is manipulated.

We can import messages very conveniently by clicking on the central part of the Sample data control which has the word “None” present:

This comes up like:

Clicking on Add From Logs gives:

I clicked on the “1” which the MESSAGE_ID “1” in the queue for this channel which then imported it into the sample data associated with this channel. If you do the same your screen should display that you have 1 of 1 sample messages. Something like this:

Now have the slight problem that there is no real data in the NCHCCVISReport table which is meant to have the actual data we are mapping.

Next Step?

Now we have imported some sample data for our Filter component. The next section covers inserting sample data into the NCHCCVISReport table.