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A customizable database merge method for Iguana 5.5.1 and up.
Source Code
-- $Revision: 1.5 $ -- $Date: 2013-10-23 20:30:15 $ -- -- The custom_merge module -- Copyright (c) 2012-2013 iNTERFACEWARE Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -- iNTERFACEWARE permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance -- with the terms of the iNTERFACEWARE license agreement accompanying the software -- in which it is used. -- if not db then error('db module must be present.', 2) end if not db.connect then error('db.customMerge requires Iguana 5.5.1 or newer.', 2) end ---------------------- local Conn, Params --The database handle and parameters for the method call. local SQLmethods --Database specific methods, defined below. ---------------------- -- Returns a table with object-oriented methods to collect non-nil strings and to return them concatenated. -- Inspired by: (MIT/X11 License) -- Due to technical limitations, the variable arguments (...) to write() may not display properly in annotations. local function getStringWriter() return setmetatable({}, { __index = { write = function(self, ...) for _,s in ipairs({...}) do --Nil arguments will cause subsequent ones to be ignored. self[#self + 1] = tostring(s) end return self end, getValue = function(self) return table.concat(self) end }, _display = function(self) --Used in annotations - short and long view. return 'StringWriter', self:getValue() end } ) end ---------------------- local function OracleDateTime(Node, Buffer) Buffer:write('TO_DATE(\'', Node, '\', \'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\')') end local function addSQLValue(Node, Buffer) if Node:isNull() then Buffer:write('NULL') return end local curType = Node:nodeType() if SQLmethods[Params.api].AddValue and SQLmethods[Params.api].AddValue[curType] then SQLmethods[Params.api].AddValue[curType](Node, Buffer) elseif curType == 'string' then if tostring(Node):match('0x') then Buffer:write(Node) else Buffer:write(Conn:quote(tostring(Node))) end elseif curType == 'datetime' then Buffer:write(Conn:quote(tostring(Node))) else --Double or integer assumed. Buffer:write(Node) end end local function addKeyConditions(Row, Buffer, Keys) Buffer:write(' WHERE ') for i = 1,#Keys do if i > 1 then Buffer:write(' AND ') end Buffer:write(Keys[i], ' = ') addSQLValue(Row[Keys[i]], Buffer) end end local function addRowInsert(TableName, Row, Buffer) Buffer:write('INSERT INTO ', TableName, '(') local NotFirstVal = false for i=1, #Row do if Row[i]:nodeValue() ~= '' or (Row[i]:nodeValue() == '' and Params.merge_null) then if i ~= 1 and NotFirstVal then Buffer:write(', ') end Buffer:write(Row[i]:nodeName()) NotFirstVal = true end end Buffer:write(') VALUES(') NotFirstVal = false for i=1, #Row do if Row[i]:nodeValue() ~= '' or (Row[i]:nodeValue() == '' and Params.merge_null) then if NotFirstVal then Buffer:write(', ') end addSQLValue(Row[i], Buffer) NotFirstVal = true end end Buffer:write(')') end local function addRowUpdate(TableName, Row, Buffer, Keys) Buffer:write('UPDATE ', TableName, ' SET ') local NotFirstVal = false for i=1, #Row do if Row[i]:nodeValue() ~= '' or (Row[i]:nodeValue() == '' and Params.merge_null) then if NotFirstVal then Buffer:write(', ') end Buffer:write(Row[i]:nodeName(),' = ') addSQLValue(Row[i], Buffer) NotFirstVal = true end end addKeyConditions(Row, Buffer, Keys) end local function genericMergeSQL(Table, Statements, Keys) for i=1, #Table do local Buffer = getStringWriter() if i > 1 then Buffer:write('\n') end local count = 0 if #Keys > 0 then local CountBuffer = getStringWriter() CountBuffer:write('SELECT COUNT(', Keys[1], ') FROM ', Table:nodeName()) addKeyConditions(Table[i], CountBuffer, Keys) local results = Conn:query(CountBuffer:getValue()) count = tonumber(results[1][1]:nodeValue()) end if count == 0 then addRowInsert(Table:nodeName(), Table[i], Buffer) elseif count == 1 then addRowUpdate(Table:nodeName(), Table[i], Buffer, Keys) else error('Multiple rows found with same primary keys in table ' .. Table:nodeName() .. '.') end Statements[#Statements+1] = Buffer:getValue() end end local function batchBeginEnd(Statements) return 'BEGIN\n' .. table.concat(Statements, ';\n') .. ';\nEND;' end SQLmethods = { --Declared as local at the top. [db.MY_SQL] = {Merge = genericMergeSQL}, [db.ORACLE_OCI] = {Merge = genericMergeSQL, Batch = batchBeginEnd, AddValue = {datetime = OracleDateTime}}, [db.ORACLE_ODBC] = {Merge = genericMergeSQL, Batch = batchBeginEnd, AddValue = {datetime = OracleDateTime}}, [db.SQL_SERVER] = {Merge = genericMergeSQL, Batch = batchBeginEnd}, [db.SQLITE] = {Merge = genericMergeSQL}, } local function getMergeStatements() local Tables = local SQLstatements = {} for i=1, #Tables do --Need non-zero number of rows to merge and to determine keys. if #Tables[i] > 0 then local Keys = {} for j=1,#Tables[i][1] do if Tables[i][1][j]:isKey() then Keys[#Keys + 1] = Tables[i][1][j]:nodeName() end end SQLmethods[Params.api].Merge(Tables[i], SQLstatements, Keys) end end return SQLstatements end local function checkTable(T, CallDepth) if type(T) ~= 'table' then error('Expected a table of parameters.', CallDepth) end end local function checkParam(ParamTable, List, CallDepth) for i=1, #List do if not ParamTable[List[i]] then error('Missing parameter "'..List[i]..'".', CallDepth) end end end local function getParams(arg1, arg2, CallDepth) if getmetatable(arg1) == getmetatable(db)._submeta.db_connection then --First argument is a db.connection, so second one is the method parameters. Conn, Params = arg1, arg2 Params.api = Conn:info().api = Conn:info().name if Conn:info().live == false --Connection itself isn't live. then = false end else --Assume no db.connection was passed in. Params = arg1 checkTable(Params, CallDepth + 1) checkParam(Params, {'api','name','user','password'}, CallDepth + 1) Conn = db.connect{ api=Params.api,, user =Params.user, password = Params.password, use_unicode = Params.use_unicode, timeout = Params.timeout, live = } Params.IsTempConnection = true end checkParam(Params, {'data'}, CallDepth + 1) if not SQLmethods[Params.api] then error('Merge using this database API is not currently supported.', CallDepth) end if type( ~= 'userdata' or not or ~= 'table_collection' then error('The data parameter must be a table collection as produced from db.tables{}.', CallDepth) end -- merge_null defaults to true to match db.merge() behaviour if Params.merge_null == nil then Params.merge_null = true end -- transaction defaults to true to match db.merge() behaviour if Params.transaction == nil then Params.transaction = true end end function db.customMerge(arg1, arg2, CallDepth) if not CallDepth then --Assume this function is being called directly. CallDepth = 2 end getParams(arg1,arg2,CallDepth + 1) local MergeSQL = getMergeStatements() if Params.transaction then Conn:begin{live =} end local success, result = pcall( --Enclosing the merge in a pcall to be able to roll back. function(Conn, Params, MergeSQL) if SQLmethods[Params.api].Batch then --Batch the operations if we can. Conn:execute{sql = SQLmethods[Params.api].Batch(MergeSQL), live =} else for i=1,#MergeSQL do Conn:execute{sql = MergeSQL[i], live =} end end end, Conn, Params, MergeSQL ) --Commit or rollback the transaction, if we began one. if success then if Params.transaction then Conn:commit{live =} end else if Params.transaction then Conn:rollback{live =} end error(result, CallDepth) end if Params.IsTempConnection then Conn:close() end if ~= true then return 'Operation not live.' end end --A wrapper for db.customMerge for object-oriented use with db.connections. --We do it this way to attach different help data to the wrapper. getmetatable(db)._submeta.db_connection.__index.customMerge = function(arg1, arg2) local CallDepth = 2 --Used for bubbling up errors to where the method is being called. checkTable(arg2, CallDepth + 1) --Expecting a db.connection and a table of parameters. local res = db.customMerge(arg1, arg2, CallDepth + 1) --Avoiding a tail call (which changes the call stack in Lua) so errors can be bubbled up properly. return res end if help then --Help data for use as db.customMerge(). help.set{input_function=db.customMerge, help_data= { SummaryLine = 'Merges records into a database (customizable Lua method).', Desc = 'Merges records into a database. This is a special, customizable method written in Lua. '.. 'It currently supports MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle ODBC/OCI, and SQLite.', Parameters = { {api = {Desc = 'Database API, should be in the form: db.SQL_SERVER, db.MY_SQL, etc.'}}, {name = {Desc = 'Database name/address.'}}, {user = {Desc = 'User name.'}}, {password = {Desc = 'Password.'}}, {data = {Desc = 'The data to merge, in the form of a node tree created using db.tables().'}}, {live = {Desc = 'Whether operation should be executed live in the editor (default = false).', Opt = true}}, {use_unicode = {Desc = 'Whether Unicode should be used when communicating with the database.', Opt = true}}, {timeout = {Desc = 'Maximum time in seconds allowed for the connection (0 for infinite).', Opt = true}}, {transaction = {Desc = 'Whether merge should be performed as a transaction (default = true).', Opt = true}}, {merge_null = {Desc = 'Whether NULL values should be updated/inserted (default = true).', Opt = true}}, }, Title = 'db.customMerge', Usage = "db.customMerge{api=<value>, name=<value>, ...}", SeeAlso = {{Title = 'More on customMerge', Link = ''}}, ParameterTable = true } } --Help data for use as conn:customMerge(). help.set{input_function=getmetatable(db)._submeta.db_connection.__index.customMerge, help_data={ SummaryLine = 'Merges records into a database (customizable Lua method).', Desc = 'Merges records into a database. This is a special, customizable method written in Lua. '.. 'It currently supports MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle ODBC/OCI, and SQLite.', Parameters = { {data = {Desc = 'The data to merge, in the form of a node tree created using db.tables().'}}, {live = {Desc = 'Whether operation should be executed live in the editor (default = false).', Opt = true}}, {transaction = {Desc = 'Whether merge should be performed as a transaction (default = true).', Opt = true}}, {merge_null = {Desc = 'Whether NULL values should be updated/inserted (default = true).', Opt = true}}, }, Title = 'customMerge', Usage = "Conn:customMerge{data=<value> [, merge_null=<value>] [, ...]}", SeeAlso = {{Title = 'More on customMerge', Link = ''}}, ParameterTable = true } } end
A customizable database merge method for Iguana 5.5.1 and up.
Usage Details
At its core customMerge()
does a SELECT call on the target table using its Primary Key(s). If a matching row is found it is updated, if no row is found a new row is inserted. This algorithm uses the same logic as the built-in conn:merge{}
function, with one important difference: The addition of the merge_null parameter, which controls whether NULLs are written to the database.
How to use custom_merge.lua:
- Add it to your shared modules in any Translator project.
- Make sure to
require 'custom_merge'
at the top of your script. - Use the Translator auto-completion to understand the parameters.
- Call the
method anywhere you would call the regular merge, either on database connection objects asconn:customMerge()
or by itself asdb.customMerge()
. - Dive into the
code using the Translator annotations to help you make the changes you need.