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Allows you to use LLP connections from a Translator script
Source Code
-- llp module - allows Lua to act as a LLP client -- See -- Here we expose a single function, connect(), that opens -- an LLP connection to a remote host, and returns a table -- to interact with. When debugging, it actually returns -- a fake connection, which can be sent HL7 messages, and -- replies with ACKs (one ACK per message sent). -- -- If you want to test a real LLP connection in the editor, -- pass live=true along with your connection settings. -- -- local llp = require 'llp' -- -- local s = llp.connect{host='frink',port=8086} -- s:send(Data) -- local Ack = s:recv() -- s:close() __llp = { send_llp = function(s, msg) local sent, text = 0, '\v'..msg..'\28\r' repeat sent = sent + s:send(text, sent+1) until sent >= text:len() return sent end; recv_llp = function(s, buf) local head = buf:find('\v', 1, true) local tail = head and buf:find('\28\r', head, true) while not tail do local part = s:recv() if not part then return nil, buf, '' end local old_end = buf:len() buf = buf..part head = head or buf:find('\v', old_end, true) if head then local i = math.max(old_end, head) tail = buf:find('\28\r', i, true) end end local msg = buf:sub(head + 1, tail - 1) local remainder = buf:sub(tail + 2) local skipped = buf:sub(1, head - 1) return msg, remainder, skipped end; real_meta = { __index = { send = function(self, msg) return __llp.send_llp(self.s, msg) end; recv = function(self) local msg, skipped msg, self.buf, skipped = __llp.recv_llp(self.s, self.buf) return msg, skipped end; close = function(self) self.s:close() end } }; -- -- Metatable for Simulation -- simulation_meta = { __index = { send = function(self, msg) if not self.connected then error('not connected', 2) end self.sent = msg return msg:len() end; recv = function(self) if not self.connected then error('not connected', 2) elseif not self.sent then error('timeout', 2) else --local got = ack.generate(self.sent) -- OLD VERSION --ack.generate() only works in a From LLP script --replaced it with inline function "ackGenerate" --so module works in any component local ackGenerate = function(self) local Msg = hl7.parse{vmd='ack.vmd', data=self.sent} local Ack = hl7.message{vmd='ack.vmd', name='Ack'} Ack.MSH[3][1] = Msg.MSH[5][1] Ack.MSH[4][1] = Msg.MSH[6][1] Ack.MSH[5][1] = Msg.MSH[3][1] Ack.MSH[6][1] = Msg.MSH[4][1] Ack.MSH[10] = Msg.MSH[10] Ack.MSH[9][1] = 'ACK' Ack.MSH[11][1] = 'P' Ack.MSH[12][1] = Msg.MSH[12][1] Ack.MSA[1] = 'AA' Ack.MSA[2] = Msg.MSH[10] return Ack:S() end; local got = ackGenerate(self) self.sent = nil return got end end; close = function(self) self.connected = false end } }; -- -- Error Checking -- check_arg = function(args, k, t, optional) local help = [[Connect to a remote LLP host. Takes a table with the following required entries: 'host' - the hostname of the remote site 'port' - the port on the remote site and optionally these entries: 'timeout' - maximum wait time, in seconds (default 5s) 'live' - create live LLP connections in the editor e.g. local s = llp.connect{host='hostname',port=8086} s:send(Data) local Ack = s:recv() s:close() ]] if not args then error(help, 3) elseif type(args) ~= 'table' then error('Parameter 1 is not a table.\n', 3) elseif not optional and not args[k] then error("Parameter '"..k.."' is required.\n", 3) elseif args[k] and type(args[k]) ~= t then error("Parameter '"..k.."' should be a "..t..'.\n', 3) end end; } -- generate a function ackGenerate(Data) local Msg = hl7.parse{vmd='ack.vmd', data=Data} local Ack = hl7.message{vmd='ack.vmd', name='Ack'} Ack.MSH[3][1] = Msg.MSH[5][1] Ack.MSH[4][1] = Msg.MSH[6][1] Ack.MSH[5][1] = Msg.MSH[3][1] Ack.MSH[6][1] = Msg.MSH[4][1] Ack.MSH[10] = Msg.MSH[10] Ack.MSH[9][1] = 'ACK' Ack.MSH[11][1] = 'P' Ack.MSH[12][1] = Msg.MSH[12][1] Ack.MSA[1] = 'AA' Ack.MSA[2] = Msg.MSH[10] return Ack:S() end -- -- Public Interface -- local llp = {} function llp.connect(args) local required, optional = false, true __llp.check_arg(args, 'host', 'string', required) __llp.check_arg(args, 'port', 'number', required) __llp.check_arg(args, 'timeout', 'number', optional) __llp.check_arg(args, 'live', 'boolean', optional) if or not iguana.isTest() then -- Normal behaviour (in running channel). = nil local Success, Socket = pcall(net.tcp.connect, args) if not Success then -- raise error to caller level error(Socket, 2) end return setmetatable({ s = Socket, buf = '', -- input buffer. }, __llp.real_meta) else -- Simulate behaviour while editing. return setmetatable({ connected = true, }, __llp.simulation_meta) end end local llp_connect = { Title="llp.connect"; Usage="llp.connect{host, port}", SummaryLine="Opens a new LLP connection", Desc=[[Opens an LLP connection (socket) using the specified host name and port number. <p>An LLP socket connection is returned as a table. This table contains four fields: A boolean "connected" flag, and three functions send(), recv(), and close(). Use send() to send messages, recv() to receive returned ACK messages, and close() to close the connection. <p><b>Note</b>: It is best practice to close the connection everytime so you don't overload the remote LLP host (many hosts will refuse multiple connections anyway). <p>For more information about send(), recv(), and close(), see the <a href="">net.tcp functions</a> of the same name in the API Reference (LLP connections are actually just sockets that use those net.tcp functions). ]]; ["Returns"] = { {Desc="LLP connection (socket) <u>table</u>."}, }; ParameterTable= true, Parameters= { {host= {Desc='LLP host name <u>string</u>.'}}, {port= {Desc='Port number <u>integer</u>.'}}, }; Examples={ [[ -- connect to LLP host local s = llp.connect{host='localhost',port=7013} -- send HL7 message s:send(Data) -- receive ACK return local Ack = s:recv() trace(Ack) -- best practise to close the connection -- many hosts will reject multiple connections s:close() ]], }; SeeAlso={ { Title="stringutil.lua - in our code repository.", Link="" }, { Title=" LLP Client – custom .", Link="" }, { Title="Stringutil – string functions", Link="" } } } help.set{input_function=llp.connect, help_data=llp_connect} return llp
Allows you to use LLP connections from a Translator script
Usage Details
The LLP module enables the use of LLP connections (over TCP/IP) from any module (as opposed to using a From LLP component). The module has just one function, llp.connect{}
, to open new LLP connections.
How to use llp.lua:
- Add the module to a script
- Add
local llp = require 'llp'
at the top of your script - Use
local s = llp.connect{}
to return a connection handle
Note: The handle has three functions send(), recv() and close() - Use
to send data - Use
to receive an ACK - Use
to close the connection
Here is some sample code:
local llp = require 'llp' -- The LLP client allows one to make LLP connections from the translator in Lua -- function main(Data) -- connect to LLP host local s = llp.connect{host='localhost',port=7013} -- send HL7 message s:send(Data) -- receive ACK return local Ack = s:recv() trace(Ack) -- best practise to close the connection -- Note: many hosts will reject multiple connections s:close() util.sleep(50) end
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