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A library of helpful extensions to the standard Lua string library.
Source Code
-- The stringutil module -- Copyright (c) 2011-2012 iNTERFACEWARE Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -- iNTERFACEWARE permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance -- with the terms of the iNTERFACEWARE license agreement accompanying the software -- in which it is used. -- -- stringutil contains a number of extensions to the standard Lua String library. -- As you can see writing extra methods that will work on strings is very easy. -- for documentation on the Lua String library -- Trims white space on both sides. function string.trimWS(self) return self:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') end -- Trims white space on right side. function string.trimRWS(self) return self:match('^(.-)%s*$') end -- Trims white space on left side. function string.trimLWS(self) return self:match('^%s*(.-)$') end -- This routine will replace multiple spaces with single spaces function string.compactWS(self) return self:gsub("%s+", " ") end -- This routine capitalizes the first letter of the string -- and returns the rest in lower characters function string.capitalize(self) local R = self:sub(1,1):upper()..self:sub(2):lower() return R end local trimWS_help = { Title="string.trimWS"; Usage="string.trimWS(string) or aString:trimWS()", SummaryLine="Trims white space from the start and the end of a string.", Desc=[[Trims white space from the start and the end of a string. ]]; ["Returns"] = { {Desc="String after white spaces have been trimmed <u>string</u>."}, }; ParameterTable= false, Parameters= { {string= {Desc='String to trim spaces from <u>string</u>.'}}, }; Examples={ [[ local S = ' trim spaces before and after ' S:trimWS() --> 'trim spaces before and after' string.trimWS(' trim spaces before and after ') --> 'trim spaces before and after' ]], }; SeeAlso={ { Title="stringutil.lua - in our code repository.", Link="" }, { Title="Stringutil – string functions ", Link="" } } } help.set{input_function=string.trimWS, help_data=trimWS_help} local trimRWS_help = { Title="string.trimRWS"; Usage="string.trimRWS(string) or aString:trimRWS()", SummaryLine="Trims white space from the right of a string.", Desc=[[Trims white space from the right of a string. ]]; ["Returns"] = { {Desc="String after white spaces have been trimmed <u>string</u>."}, }; ParameterTable= false, Parameters= { {string= {Desc='String to trim spaces from <u>string</u>.'}}, }; Examples={ [[ local S = ' trim spaces from the right ' S:trimRWS() --> ' trim spaces from the right' string.trimRWS(' trim spaces from the right ') --> ' trim spaces from the right' ]], }; SeeAlso={ { Title="stringutil.lua - in our code repository.", Link="" }, { Title="Stringutil – string functions ", Link="" } } } help.set{input_function=string.trimRWS, help_data=trimRWS_help} local trimLWS_help = { Title="string.trimLWS"; Usage="string.trimLWS(string) or aString:trimLWS()", SummaryLine="Trims white space from the left of a string.", Desc=[[Trims white space from the left of a string. ]]; ["Returns"] = { {Desc="String after white spaces have been trimmed <u>string</u>."}, }; ParameterTable= false, Parameters= { {string= {Desc='String to trim spaces from <u>string</u>.'}}, }; Examples={ [[ local S = ' trim spaces from the left ' S:trimLWS() --> 'trim spaces from the left ' string.trimLWS(' trim spaces from the left ') --> 'trim spaces from the left ' ]], }; SeeAlso={ { Title="stringutil.lua - in our code repository.", Link="" }, { Title="Stringutil – string functions ", Link="" } } } help.set{input_function=string.trimLWS, help_data=trimLWS_help} local compactWS_help = { Title="string.compactWS"; Usage="string.compactWS(string) or aString:compactWS()", SummaryLine="Replace multiple spaces with a single space.", Desc=[[Replace multiple spaces in a string with a single space. ]]; ["Returns"] = { {Desc="String after white spaces have been trimmed <u>string</u>."}, }; ParameterTable= false, Parameters= { {string= {Desc='String to trim spaces from <u>string</u>.'}}, }; Examples={ [[ local S = ' replace multiple spaces with a single space ' S:compactWS() --> ' replace multiple spaces with a single space ' string.compactWS(' replace multiple spaces with a single space ') --> ' replace multiple spaces with a single space ' ]], }; SeeAlso={ { Title="stringutil.lua - in our code repository.", Link="" }, { Title="Stringutil – string functions ", Link="" } } } help.set{input_function=string.compactWS, help_data=compactWS_help} local capitalize_help = { Title="string.capitalize"; Usage="string.capitalize(string) or aString:capitalize()", SummaryLine="Capitalizes the first letter of a string", Desc=[[Capitalize the first letter of a string. ]]; ["Returns"] = { {Desc="String after it it has been capitalized <u>string</u>."}, }; ParameterTable= false, Parameters= { {string= {Desc='String to be capitalized <u>string</u>.'}}, }; Examples={ [[ local S = 'string to be capitalized' S:capitalize() --> 'String to be capitalized' string.capitalize('string to be capitalized') --> 'String to be capitalized' ]], }; SeeAlso={ { Title="stringutil.lua - in our code repository.", Link="" }, { Title="Stringutil – string functions ", Link="" } } } help.set{input_function=string.capitalize, help_data=capitalize_help}
A library of helpful extensions to the standard Lua string library.
Usage Details
The stringutil.lua module contains a library of helpful extensions to the standard Lua string library.
- string.trimWS(self): Trims white space on both sides.
- string.trimRWS(self): Trims white space on right side.
- string.trimLWS(self): Trims white space on left side.
- string.compactWS(self): Replace multiple spaces with single spaces.
- string.capitalize(self): Capitalizes the first letter of the string — and returns the rest in lowercase characters.
Here is some sample code that uses the capitalize() function (works with any sample HL7 message):
require 'stringutil' -- This module extends the built in string library with a few useful extra functions -- local Input=[[ <patient firstName="JIM" lastName="bloggs " title = " MR " description=''/> ]] local Description=[[ Dr Bob was not renowned for using very consistent spacing. ]] function main() local X = xml.parse{data=Input} -- Notice we have to convert to strings using :S() before -- we can use string functions -- Capitalize X.patient.firstName = X.patient.firstName:S():capitalize() -- Strip right hand white space then capitalize X.patient.lastName = X.patient.lastName:S():trimRWS():capitalize() -- Strip white space and capitalize X.patient.title = X.patient.title:S():trimWS():capitalize() -- Compact multiple white space and strip leading and trailing space X.patient.description = Description:compactWS():trimWS() end