Creating log entries


How to create Error, Warning, Informational, and Debug log entries

Source Code
   -- create Error, Warning and Informational log entries
   iguana.logError('Hello World I am an Error log entry')
   iguana.logWarning('Hello World I am a Warning log entry')
   iguana.logInfo('Hello World I am an Informational log entry')
   -- create a Debug log entry
   -- these are only activated when you enable the debug logging level for a channel
   iguana.logDebug('Hello World I am a Debug log entry')
How to create Error, Warning, Informational, and Debug log entries
Usage Details

Adding entries to the log entries is simple, just use one of the iguana.logXxxxx() functions.

Note: The iguana.logDebug() function only writes to the log when you enable the debug logging level for the channel.

How to use the snippet:

  • Paste the desired logging function into your script