<strong>Test</strong>: Code for the diff Module
This is a utility module called ‘diff’ that returns a nice human readable list of differences between two trees.
If you have not already done so you need to create a “diff” module in your project, and paste this code into it.
diff={} local function trace(a,b,c,d) return end local function DisplayParent(Parent) local P = '' local Root = Parent.Root local i = 1 while i <= #Parent.Address do if Root:nodeType() == 'segment_repeated' then P = P..Root:nodeName()..'['..Parent.Address[i]..']' Root = Root[Parent.Address[i]][Parent.Address[i+1]] i = i + 2 else if Root:nodeType() == 'segment' then P = P..Root:nodeName() elseif Root:nodeType() == 'message' then P = P..Root:nodeName()..'.' else P = P..'['..Parent.Address[i-1]..']' end Root = Root[Parent.Address[i]] i = i + 1 end end return P end local function Compare(Orig, New, List, Parent) trace(List) if #Orig ~= #New then List[#List+1] = DisplayParent(Parent)..Orig:nodeName()..' has different number of children.' end for i=1,#Orig do Parent.Address[#Parent.Address+1] = i if #Orig[i] == 0 then trace(Orig[i]:nodeName()) if Orig[i]:isNull() then if New[i]:childCount() == 0 then if not New[i]:isNull() then List[#List+1] = New[i]:nodeName()..' should be empty but it is now '..New[i] end end elseif Orig[i]:nodeValue() ~= New[i]:nodeValue() then List[#List+1] = DisplayParent(Parent)..'['..i..'] was |'.. Orig[i]:nodeValue()..'| but is now |'..New[i]:nodeValue().."|" end else Compare(Orig[i], New[i], List, Parent) end Parent.Address[#Parent.Address] = nil end return List end local function CheckHl7Message(P, Usage) if type(P) ~= 'userdata' or P:nodeType() ~= 'message' then error(Usage,3) end end local DiffUsage=[[ Compares two HL7 messages for differences Expects two HL7 strings and a VMD as arguments and returns a table listing differences - if any. e.g. local List = diff.Compare(Orig, New) ]] function diff.Compare(Orig, New, Vmd) Orig = hl7.parse{data=Orig, vmd=Vmd} New = hl7.parse{data=New, vmd=Vmd} CheckHl7Message(Orig, DiffUsage) CheckHl7Message(New, DiffUsage) return Compare(Orig, New, {}, {Root=Orig, Address={}}) end
Next Step?
The final step is to tweak the code and the VMD file to cope with the last two errors.
Continue: <strong>Test</strong>: Final Code Tweaks