Reprocessing and Resubmitting Log Messages

Introduction [top]

There are two reasons that Errors could be generated:

  1. The message is valid but triggers an error in the channel code:
    • Solution: Update the code and resubmit the unchanged message
  2. The message is invalid or malformed:
    • Solution: Correct the error and then resubmit the updated message

The message is valid but triggers an error in the channel code [top]

Basically this could be a code bug, or an intentionally raised error (for an unknown condition). For example a code could be changed from numeric to alpha which generates an error, or a new (previously unknown) code could be received that triggers the error.

The solution is always the same:

  1. Update the code to handle the change (remember to create a milestone).
  2. Reprocess the unchanged message or messages.

How to Resubmit valid messages [top]

  1. Update the code to handle the change (remember to create a milestone).
  2. Reprocess the unchanged messages:
    1. Filter the logs to show the error messages, for example:
      • Channel = HL7 to database
      • Type = Errors – unmarked

        Tip: You can also view the errors by clicking on the error number in the Dashboard:

    2. Export the messages associated with the errors:
      • Click the [+] Export icon in Logs interface to expand the  Export dialog
      • Choose the One entry per line format
      • Check the  Related messages option
    3. Click the Export button.
      • This will create a text file containing the messages related to the errors that you selected in the Logs Filter.
      • This file will be in the correct format to be used as input for the HL7 Simulator.
      • Open the exported file and verify it contains the messages you expect.
    4. Use the HL7 Simulator to resubmit the exported file of messages.
    5. We recommend that you Mark the errors to indicate that it has been corrected, this can prevent you from accidentally resending the same messages later.

How to Resubmit a single valid message [top]

If you only need to resubmit a single message you can do it directly from the logs.

  1. Filter for errors (as above).
  2. Click on the single error you want to resubmit, to view it.
  3. Click the Show all entries related to this icon:
  4. Click on the message, to view it:
  5. Resubmit the message directly from the Logs, by clicking the Resubmit or forward this message icon:
  6. We recommend that you Mark the error to indicate that it has been corrected, this can prevent you from accidentally resending the same message later.

The message invalid or malformed [top]

In this case the the message is malformed in some way, perhaps missing a segment, or a separator etc. The solution is to identify and fix the error and resubmit the updated message.

The solution is:

  1. Identify the offending message
  2. Update the message to fix the error
  3. Reprocess the updated message:

How to identify and fix an Invalid Message [top]

  1. We notice some errors in the Dashboard, and click on the number in Errors column:
  2. In the Logs we see that three messages were missing the PID segment:
  3. Click on one of the errors to view the details.
  4. It turns out that the line separator (newline) is missing before the PID segment:
  5. Click the Resubmit icon to resend the message:
  6. This opens the message in the Resubmit To Channel screen:
  7. Edit the message to fix the error.
  8. Because the channel uses a To Database component it immediately shows correct SQL in the preview pane:
  9. Click Resubmit and check the Logs to be sure that the message processed correctly.
  10. Process other errors in the same way.
  11. We recommend that you Mark the errors to indicate that it has been corrected, this can prevent you from accidentally resending the same messages later.

Note: The preview modes will vary depending on the type of To Component the channel is using.

In the example above the SQL preview was useful as we could see that our change was working before we resubmitted the message. However when using other To Components you usually need to resubmit the error and check the logs to see if it processed correctly.

To Database:

To Translator:

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